Full-blown food whore
And it all began. Thought that might catch your attention. When was that defining moment when I went from a picky eater to a full blown food whore? The defining moment was when I was a wee child, and I mean wee. Both my sister and I looked liked we came from a 3rd world country; tiny and skinny.
My mother decided that others saw us as underfed and undernourished. Coming from a Jewish household, that was never the case but it was her Jewish mother guilt. Now that you understand my mother’s state of mind, here was her remedy to fatten us up. She bribed both my sister and I to gain ten pounds in one year and she would give us each $10. Doesn’t sound like much but it was back in the heyday of Howdy Doody, Candy Corner and Romper Room and those were big bucks. I guess in today’s standards it would have to be $100 maybe a $1,000. I don’t think I ever earned the sawbuck but the bright child I was learned quickly that it pays to eat.
For numerous years, and oh how I long for them, I could eat whatever I wanted and never gained weight – that lasted into my late 30’s when I stopped smoking. Now the doctor wants me to lose weight, watch the sugar, cholesterol and exercise – can you say torture? I’m trying to do better but let me hear or read “lobster sale” or “chocolate tasting” and I’m the first out the door to both.
This is my first post for The-Post-Examiner and for sure not my last. I hope you will enjoy the culinary roller coaster ride that is Dara cooks.

For Dara Bunjon if it is food, Dara Does It, in fact, that is the name of her company which offers creative solutions for the food industry the likes of public relations, marketing, social media, cookbook compilations, food styling, culinary events, networking and freelance writing. You will now find Dara applying her broad range of culinary skills as a food stylist for television chefs/cookbook authors the likes of Steven Raichlen, Sara Moulton, Nick Malgieri, and Nathalie Dupree. Dara Bunjon lives, eats, dreams and writes about food and isn’t hesitant to share her views and experiences about restaurants, culinary trends, recipes, cookbooks or even her childhood food memories. She has been on the food scene for too many years to mention. Known both in Baltimore and nationally, Dara Bunjon is a former member of Women Chefs and Restaurateurs’ national public relations committee.
In the past, she has written for Style Magazine, Foodservice Monthly, Mid-Atlantic Restaurant Digest, Urbanite and other sundry publications. Since 2004 she has maintained an award-winning food-related blog called Dining Dish. She co-authored her first cookbook Yum! Tasty Recipes from Culinary Greats in association with Studio Spear. And has written Baltimore restaurant reviews for Gayot.com
Dara believes food is subjective; everyone’s taste is different and she enjoys bringing you to her table to commiserate and enjoy lively discourse.
Considered one of Baltimore’s food influencers, you can follow her on Twitter and Instagram @daracooks.
Dara…I love your story and bringing to us your childhood experiences…I too was a skinny child like you….only….well you know my story….I too started gaining weight in my early 40…..and the rest sounds the same for me as for you…Dr…orders, etc, etc, etc….
I cannot wait for your next story……..