Rideshare Experiences: Weed, Vape, Bongs and Near-Death Experiences

During the remainder of the ride, they both took turns telling me about the wonders of their new bong. They were both eager to arrive at their destination and try out their amazing technologically efficient paraphernalia. We arrived at their ultimate destination, and they departed the vehicle. Minus their bong. It was my last ride, so I closed out my App and headed home. Within a very short time, I received a call.

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Maryland bill targets fentanyl deaths through safe centers for drug users

Opioids are pain-killing drugs, ranging from prescription pain medicines such as oxycodone, hydrocodone, codeine and morphine, to the synthesized opiate fentanyl, to illegal cheaper substances such as heroin, according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse. When abused, these drugs are highly addictive and can cause severe side effects, especially during withdrawal.

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Maryland’s opioid crisis, fentanyl is driving deaths across the board

Pain diagrams soon began popping up in doctor’s offices around the country. On the left of the spectrum, a pain level of zero and a smiley face. On the right, a pain level of 10 and a scowl. While the medical field used to focus on reducing pain, the goal was suddenly to eliminate it altogether, said Robin Rickard, executive director for Maryland’s Opioid Operational Command Center (OOCC).

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Brooklyn 2020

If you need to get some cutlery sharpened, go down to the Grinding Company of America, across the Vietnam Veterans Bridge on Annabel Street in Brooklyn. The Grinding Company of America used to be located across the street from Camden Yards for around a century before the baseball stadium was built, convenient to all the produce, meat and fish wholesalers that were located there.

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