Doubling Down on Snail Rail

Light rail is a proven loser that the state has just doubled down on. It is going to take an hour to go from Security Blvd to Johns Hopkins Hospital and like the current line rail, few people will ride it because it is too slow and scary. People on the East and West side deserve the same mass transit service as those fortunate residents serviced by the subway.

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Printing, fighting, and battle-rapping: How two Baltimore business owners connect and thrive

Mike Squirrelwyde, better known as DJ Squirrel Wyde, and Pitts were early collaborators on the battle rap scene. The two co-hosted a battle rap program called “Tuesday Night Fights” on the 92Q Jams radio channel. The show was part of Squirrelwyde’s mission to give exposure to local Baltimore artists, “Black businesses, people that wrote books, whoever.”

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