Super Bowl XLIX: Press Conferences all week long
Today we have two video reports from the press conferences of the Seattle Seahawks and NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell.
The Seahawks talked about the preparation for the game on Sunday and about Marshawn Lynch’s time on Media Day when his only answer to 29 questions was, “I’m only here so I don’t get fined.”
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For the commissioner’s press conference the mood was electric. This has been a rough 12 months for the usually popular commissioner. He’s had to deal with off-field scandals, the head and brain injury issue and now deflategate, a scandal his investigators are confirming is true.

Someone tampered with the footballs in the AFC championship game between the Indianapolis Colts and the New England Patriots and the NFL investigators indicate the finger points to the New England locker room.
People have begun to stop taking Goodell seriously. Everyone knows he and Patriots owner Bob Kraft are great friends so the question is: how impartial can Goodell be in a scandal that involves one of his closest friends. The commissioner makes 47 million dollars a year and Kraft controls the committee that controls Goodell’s salary.
It’s definitely a sticky situation for Roger Goodell and the press corps was in the mood to grill the commissioner when he took the podium for his press conference. He got every question about the scandals and issues that you’d expect and Goodell stood there to answer it all. And he hoped, to talk about the Super Bowl.
(Photos by Claudia Gestro)

Claudia is of Peruvian and Italian descent, having been born in a small town, in the North of Peru, South America. She was raised by her grandmother from an early age, living in poverty until Claudia’s mother brought her to America. She landed in Miami, FL and started her new life, playing high school basketball and eventually becoming a United States citizen. Claudia completed her education at Florida International University with a BA in Broadcast Journalism and became a model to supplement her income. Since graduating from FIU Claudia has worked with many of the Spanish Language broadcasting companies, including Telemundo, Univision and most recently Spanish Language channels on SiriusXM satellite radio and 93.9 FM Exitos in Los Angeles. Just so you know where her loyalty lies: Go Lakers!