So long Dr. Ben Carson
First Martin O’Malley, and now Dr. Ben Carson. When was the last time two Baltimore candidates ran for President?
The GOP establishment is trying to convince the good doctor to run for Marci Rubio’s Senate seat in Florida, but he has said he is not interested in being a Senator because in his mind it’s not an executive position.
Here’s Dr. Carson’s official statement:
I have decided not to attend the Fox News GOP Presidential Debate tomorrow night in Detroit. Even though I will not be in my hometown of Detroit on Thursday, I remain deeply committed to my home nation, America. I do not see a political path forward in light of last evening’s Super Tuesday primary results. However, this grassroots movement on behalf of “We the People” will continue. Along with millions of patriots who have supported my campaign for President, I remain committed to Saving America for Future Generations. We must not depart from our goals to restore what God and our Founders intended for this exceptional nation.
So far no endorsements from Dr. Carson. Where will his voters go?
At least Dr. Carson can say this. He lasted longer than Martin.

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