Remi Landau Discusses How COVID-19 Will Shape Fashion
The global COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted many aspects of modern life, with fashion being one of them. New York City designer Remi Landau recently discussed in an interview how the coronavirus pandemic can be expected to shape fashion going forward.
Question: Right now, people may not be doing a lot of clothes shopping. What type of shift in fashion is taking place as a result?
Remi Landau: I work for a clothing manufacturing company, and what I can tell you is that we are making gowns right now for all hospitals in New York City. Moving forward, masks are going to be essential, and I think luxury fashion companies will start to make those. For example, if people are going to a club, they’ll be able to buy the proper masks to protect against the coronavirus, but their masks may feature bling or different designs.
Question: What other changes can we expect to see in the fashion industry?
Remi Landau: The reality is, fashion brands, as well as the consumers they serve, have been doing a great job of adapting to the Great Lockdown. While people are quarantined in their homes, they are looking for ways to feel comfortable. That’s why I think athleisure will naturally grow in demand. Not only will people wear it during the lockdown but also they’ll want to keep wearing it afterward since they’ve become so accustomed to it.
Question: Do you think the fashion industry will take a financial hit long term as a result of the coronavirus?
Remi Landau: To be honest, no. Even in the current environment, retail therapy still exists. Many people are simply shopping on the internet for entertainment purposes, rather than going to a physical store location. Retailers, including fashion retailers, have to adapt to this to survive, and in my opinion, any serious future-forward retailer will take the necessary steps to make this happen.
Boris Dzhingarov graduated UNWE with a major in marketing. He is the founder of ESBO ltd a brand mentioning company. He is also passionate about meditation and healthy living. You can find articles on such topics at his spiritual blog