Meet the Team of Experienced Global Market Analysts at iCapital Financial

No doubt, technological advancements, and efficient human relations play great roles in the success of most firms today. However, that alone is not enough to yield a high return on investment to finance and investment companies. It is reported that investment companies that have a number of investment analysts with robust profiles profit more than those that do not have such analysts. At iCapital Financial, we recognize that fact, so we have capable analysts who help us get accurate market data for analysis, analyze such data, and predict market movements.

Looking at the caliber of analysts on the payroll of iCapital Financial, it is understandable why the company keeps profiting in the market. Also, our market analysts and strategists assist our clients with trade decisions in the European, UK, Asian, and American markets. You may be inquisitive to know why our analysts are so exceptional. Here are some reasons below.

Trust and Credibility

Having a team of trusted and credible investment analysts is hard to come by, especially as they are only a few of such analysts in the industry today. This is one area where iCapital Financial stands strong. Most of their analysts are renowned financial consultants who feature on CNN, Bloomberg, and other well-known media homes/platforms. The good side of this is that such analysts will only disseminate correct market information since they are barely wrong with their analysis.

Industry Experience

While skills and theoretical knowledge are good, there is a need to be experienced in the application of such to the real-world situation. iCapital Financial boasts of experienced analysts who have been through both the worst and best moments of the market. That is, they know how the market was and reacted to the period of boom and recession. So, there is hardly any market occurrence that will throw them off balance today. These experts know what to look out for in the wake of significant development in the market.

Continuous Research

To be successful in any career, one must adopt an attitude of continuous personal development. At iCapital Financial, the analysts are engrossed in the habit of continuous research. Thus, they are not debutants as far as new markets like the cryptocurrency market are concerned. They spot a new development and trend and take their time to study it carefully. That way, they are able to always predict the market and give accurate advice to clients of the companies on the right trade to place.

Introducing Some Notable Analysts at iCapital Financial

It is not just enough to state that iCapital Financial has a couple of good investment analysts, or to discuss some of their peculiar features. In this section, we will briefly introduce some of these analysts.

Michael Hewson

It is impossible to list top analysts at iCapital Financial without mentioning this name. He has over 25 years of experience in the finance industry and is one of the nominees for the 2019 Analysts of the Year award. He is a regular face on CNN, BBC, Bloomberg, and many other notable media firms. He was the first person to analyze the business model of Uber and Lyft IPOs and voiced out his criticism, and the poor performance of those IPOs today shows he knew exactly what he meant.

David Madden

All over London and in the UK, David Madden is a striking name; a commentator on different radio and TV stations. For over 10 years, he has been an analyst in the finance industry with significant contributions. Some of his past positions before he joined iCapital Financial include Sales Trader and Market Analyst. Given his experience in the market, he has continued to be a significant human resource to iCapital Financial.

Jochen Stanzl

Talk of the chief analyst at iCapital Financial, the name Jochen Stanzl will pop up. He is a veteran analyst in Europe and the co-founder of BoerseGo AG. Among the firms, he has worked for in the past are Guidants, GodmodeTrader, and Jandaya. Due to his vast experience in the finance market in Germany, Austria, and other European countries, he appears regularly on TV such as N24.

The list above is just three out of the several analysts that work at iCapital Financial. The company has a standard team of analysts that supports its clients and investment decisions.

Company Details
: Luxembourg: +35228487455 | UK: +442037695596
Headquarters: Tour La Porte ii, Luxembourg City, Luxembourg


3 thoughts on “Meet the Team of Experienced Global Market Analysts at iCapital Financial

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  • December 20, 2019 at 11:08 PM

    iCapital Financial has a couple of good investment analysts who produce great articles for us to get updates on a daily basis.

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