How to Make Sure Your Water Filter Really Removes Lead

Even in a country as developed as the United States, homeowners must contend with the threat of lead in their water. The good news is that there are several tools on the market, including water filters, that are designed to reduce the amount of stress homeowners have to deal with.

How can you be certain, though, that the water filter you bring into your home is actually clearing the lead from your water? Consumer reviews and manufacturer promises are helpful, but are there steps you can take at home?

Before you commit to a filter, be sure to test its compatibility with your tap. To do so, it’s recommended that you:

  • Manually Test Your Lead Levels – Before you install a water filter, be sure to manually test the levels of lead in your water. In doing so, you establish your control group, or the baseline which you can refer back to once you’ve installed your filter. Once the filter’s in place, pour yourself a glass of water and test it for lead. Ideally, you’ll notice a significant drop in the amount of lead particles. If you don’t, you may be looking at a manufacturer error worth invoking your warranty over.

  • Seek Out Help During Installation – That said, installing your water filter can be more difficult than it initially seems. Before sending what seems like a faulty water filter back to the manufacturer, reach out to a professional to check your install. You can also seek out the help of a contractor during the initial install. Be sure, of course, to test your lead levels before and after the installation, regardless. With a bit of industry know-how at your side, though, you should be able to use your tap water with confidence.

  • Replace Your Filters Consistently – Unfortunately, manufacturers have yet to produce water filters that last forever. You’re going to need to replace your water filter in accordance to manufacturer instructions if you want it to continue filtering lead out of your water. If you haven’t changed your filter in a while, and you’re noticing lead levels ticking back upward, talk to the contractor who helped you with install to see what replacement costs might look like.

  • Check for Unintentional Filter Damage – It’s possible that your filter may have been damaged during the installation process. Long-term use of hot water can also damage the interior of the filter, making it more difficult for it to attract unwanted chemicals. Your manufacturer may even have made a mistake when making your filter. If you want to be certain that lead isn’t making its way into your water, treat your filter with care.

  • Choose An Effective Water Filter – As you’re exploring your water filter options, be sure to look at other consumer reviews. You ideally want to purchase a water filter from a company with an extensive history in the industry as well as a history of stellar customer service. Take your time and look through the different filter options some of the best manufacturers have in stock. Your Berkey system options, for example, range from travel filters to long-lasting party filters. Take advantage of that variety, and you’ll be able to drink from your tap more confidently.

The threat untreated water poses to your home and family is difficult to overstate. Luckily, manufacturers like Berkey are determined to keep your water as clear as possible. While you’ll still need to do some legwork of your own, you can rely on the manufacturer’s stellar reputation to keep your water clean and your family healthy.