Hillary Clinton should not be president
Dear Editor,
I recently had an article simultaneously published in the Stanford Daily, and in Indian Country Today; the latter had almost 1,700 shares on Facebook in the first 4 days. The article is published below this letter.
The case against Hillary is overwhelming, despite the lemming-like support from top Democrats, including every single Maryland Congress Member. I think by now you have seen the merit of not only voting for Bernie Sanders, but, I hope, breaking from the pack and formally endorsing him as the best candidate for the Democratic nomination. He is the one candidate with no baggage and with no profound credibility issues, but with workable long over due solutions for some of America’s most pressing problems.
Certainly, given the continuing uproar and disarray in the GOP, the Republicans could use your journalistic guidance, as well. Thank you for sharing this with your readers.
Stephen Fox
Santa Fe, New Mexico
Women have for centuries struggled to achieve resolutions in the electoral realm, even before Susan B. Anthony shaped the early days of the suffragette movement, like Native Americans and African Americans have struggled through endless years of Jim Crow treatment.
Yes, of course, in time, we must have a woman as President, but just not Hillary Clinton, please.

To me, Hillary’s past is too checkered and her baggage too cumbersome, especially her actions as one of the “Senators from Wall Street”; her actions as Secretary of State promoting fracking in several nations; her voting record siding with the Republicans in far too many key issues disqualify her from being a true Democrat; her ostensibly “dusting” several hard drives; her refusal to release the transcripts of her talks on Wall Street; her fueling the flames of ISIS and militant Islam; and her describing Henry Kissinger as her mentor, a man who has toppled governments that led in one nation alone (Chile) to at least 30,000 disappeared people. Did Kissinger’s precedents in Chile inspire Hillary’s actions in Libya?
From an article by Eric Margolis in March 7 Oped news titled “Hillary Haunted by Libya“:
“Hillary Clinton, who is bankrolled by heavy-duty neocons, holds chief responsibility for two calamities: the overthrow of Qaddafi and Syria’s terrible civil war. Qaddafi had been restraining numerous North African jihadist groups. After his overthrow, they poured south into the Sahel and sub-Saharan regions, menacing western-dominated governments. We also learn that Clinton’s State Department green lighted over copy50 billion of arms sales to 16 repressive nations that had donated large sums to the Clinton Foundation — a sort of government in exile for the Clinton clan.”
As if all of this were not enough to quell anyone’s support for her nomination, the problems above are glaringly underscored by Hillary’s being an unmitigated hawk, thoroughly proven by her actions and her voting record. This all adds up to the clear conclusion that although yes, we want a woman in the White House, we prefer not this candidate. Thus, we are of necessity required to wait and be resolute to wait till the right woman comes along.
Bill and Hillary back in the White House just seem wrong, an unrepeatable part of the past, whereas Bernie speaks to the seasoned pacifist and idealist that I am.

(Courtesy of Nick Solari & Wikipedia)
I am focused on the future, with large consumer protection intentions and with distinct memories of all of the newspapers that endorsed Obama in 2008 in a panorama of brilliant insights and choices of words. As managing editor of the New Mexico Sun News, I harvested 38 of the best nationwide editorial page endorsements for Obama in 2008; then we published our newspaper 10 days before the election with the front cover declaring Obama the winner! The media went bonkers and this was the top story on CNN for several hours. Of course, it later proved accurate and our actions were vindicated.
The statistics from many polls show Hillary losing to Trump, thus giving conscious and competent women voters no alternative but to support the most honest person possible for the White House. Sen. Bernie Sanders, one of the most ethical politicians I have ever observed.
Three great women political leaders in our history:
Eleanor Roosevelt, a figure prominent in almost every Democrat’s mind, especially older ones who remember her at the United Nations, whom I met as a small child just once. Eleanor is so well known I will for the moment leave her out of this particular discussion.
Susan B. Anthony, who graces the Silver Dollar, yet quite unknown to most. She was raised in an Anti-Slavery Quaker family with deep activist traditions, meeting at their farm on Sundays with Frederick Douglass; she developed a deep and fierce sense of justice, later dedicating her life to the very large cause of getting the vote for women. She looked beyond the ridicule and abuse that she continuously suffered as she traveled, wrote, and lectured all across America. In 1866 Anthony co-founded the American Equal Rights Association; in 1868, in Rochester New York, she began publishing the newspaper The Revolution, with the masthead “Men their rights, and nothing more; women, their rights, and nothing less.”
Emma Goldman, an anarchist who was born in a part of then-Russia now Lithuania, who shaped modern thinking on anarchy through her writings and her speeches. She was described as “the most dangerous woman in America.” Goldman’s silk screened photo is sometimes reproduced with her quote: “If I can’t dance, I don’t want to be in your revolution” and for good reason has been acclaimed and championed by women activists in the 20th Century.
A quote from each of these three extraordinary American women:
Eleanor Roosevelt: Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people. One’s philosophy is not best expressed in words; it is expressed in the choices one makes… and the choices we make are ultimately our responsibility.

Susan B. Anthony: “You would better educate ten women into the practice of liberal principles than to organize a thousand on a platform of intolerance and bigotry. I distrust those people who know so well what God wants them to do, because I notice it always coincides with their own desires.”
Emma Goldman, in an answer to a question after a speech in Detroit in 1908: “There are some potentates I would kill by any and all means at my disposal. They are Ignorance, Superstition, and Bigotry — the most sinister and tyrannical rulers on earth.”

Stephen Fox has been selling Native painting and ledger art in Santa Fe since 1980. His consumer protection writing is focused on ridding the market of aspartame, the neurotoxic artificial sweetener.
Thanks for publishing this. The illustrations are superb, and I had never thought of that. Am working on that additional article we discussed earlier.