Governor Hogan Addresses Maryland National Guard Soldiers Ahead of Middle East Deployment
Maryland National Guard Supports Critical Missions At Home and Abroad
ANNAPOLIS, MD—Governor Larry Hogan today visited BWI Marshall Airport to express his support and gratitude for more than 130 members of the Maryland Army National Guard’s 58th Expeditionary Military Intelligence Brigade and the 629th Expeditionary Military Intelligence Battalion as they prepared for deployment in support of Operation Inherent Resolve.
Soldiers from the 58th and 629th will provide intelligence capabilities during their deployment in the U.S. Central Command area of responsibility, and represent the first National Guard Military Intelligence Brigade to deploy in support of combat operations.
“Countless times I have been impressed to see first-hand the leadership, self-sacrifice, and bravery of our National Guard soldiers and airmen, including in our current battle against the COVID-19 pandemic,” said Governor Hogan. “In times of war and peace, both at home and around the world, the members of our National Guard stand bravely on the front lines. You are always ready, you always step up when you are called upon, and today, we want to sincerely thank each and every one of you for bravely and selflessly doing so once again.”
This unit is currently only one of two Expeditionary Military Intelligence Brigades activated in the entire Army National Guard and will deploy to multiple locations throughout the Middle East.
Led by Major General Timothy Gowen, the Maryland National Guard has been central to Maryland’s response to COVID-19, leading such operations as distributing meals, transporting supplies, standing up surge tents, and taking part in strike teams to address nursing home outbreaks.