Four Great Tips to Help You With Your 2021 Diet Goals
New year’s resolutions are not the only time you can work to reinvent yourself. It is, however, a convenient time to start trying. The important thing to remember is that it doesn’t matter if you fail, so long as you get back up and start again. It’s also important to reflect. If something consistently doesn’t seem to be working out for you then you need to strategize and understand why.
For many, the new year is full of health and diet goals. For those that have failed in the past, however, it is key to understand your body and why your previous goals didn’t work out. The reason may have been that you were either not committed to the approach you were taking, or you haven’t found the option that suits your personal body yet.
These tips are a great alternative if you haven’t had luck in the past, so try them out for 2021.
Remove Unhealthy Foods
We crave sugar, fat, and salt, but if you can go cold-turkey from these items then those cravings will go away naturally. It isn’t easy going cold turkey, but the rewards are massive. Not craving chocolate, or chips, or any other traditionally unhealthy foods makes dieting so much easier.
It is a good idea to go cold turkey on these items before you start any diets, so that you get used to not having them, because dealing with hunger and cravings is very, very hard and is what leads to cheat days or meals. Do this by illuminating one bad item at a time, such as chocolate, and then try to find a suitable replacement for it. While going cold turkey on this item, you’re still able to indulge in other things, until you’ve trained yourself to not need it anymore. Once you’re in that head space, then you’ll find yourself more likely to have a successful diet.
Intermittent Fasting
There are a variety of different types of intermittent fasting, meaning that you can find the option that suits you best. There are various benefits to fasting, and the benefits that you can enjoy will depend on how long you fast. Overall, there are five stages of intermittent fasting, which you can learn more about here, though it is important to note that listening to your body and working your way up to the higher stages is a must. Fasting between 12 to even 18 hours is a simple, doable process as it allows you to eat during at least one portion of the day. Longer fasts will require care, and fasts that last longer than 24 hours should be done with the supervision of a healthcare provider.
Done right, you can enjoy weight loss, cellular repair, reduction in oxidative stress, insulin reduction, and more.
Try New Recipes and Vegetables
The best way to capitalize on your intermittent fasting is by eating healthy meals. This doesn’t mean diet meals, but foods that are full of the nutrients and vitamins that the body needs to function optimally. It will take a bit to discover what foods make you feel the best, but we can guarantee it won’t be the unhealthy cheat meals that you might want to treat yourself to.
Enjoy What You Want, But in Smaller Portions
It doesn’t matter if the food is full of calories, because as long as it is full of vitamins and nutrients then you can eat what you want. If you have very specific goals, try to reduce the portion sizes of your food. You don’t even need to stop eating. Just by making it an extra step to get up and get a second portion you can space out your eating, slow down, and let your body and metabolism work for you.