First Periodic Local and National Ravem (sic) Awards
In my very long career of over a half-century, I have commented for a wide range of media regarding matters of political persuasion and political and societal issues.
The media for which I have written include a host of books, journals, and op-eds. My commentaries (articles, letters) have been published in, and this is not exhaustive: The New York Times, The Washington Post, the Los Angeles Times, The Washington Times, The Washington Examiner, The Baltimore Sun, The Times of Israel, Baltimore Post-Examiner, and many many others.
Public hostility toward the press and vice versa has never been more acute.
Thus, in keeping with my background in media analysis – I founded the Media Criticism course at Towson University and taught it for two decades and gave paper after paper at conventions on media ethics and fair and unfair media coverage – I hereby offer the First Maryland and National RAVEM (Random Awards for Vatzian Excellent Mediapeople). Lots of readers may disagree but will be mistaken…the criteria comprise general analytical excellence, knowledge of subject matter, fairness (but not disinterest) and insight. I included awards for accomplishment in areas in which I have some singular credentials, along with one award that I agreed with but had to be persuaded that I was correct.
Finally, I have been canceled by some unethical media personages, and those candidates involved have been eliminated for ethical reasons for their totalitarian ways.
RAVEM Awards:
Best Local Talk Show Host of All-Time: WBAL’S Ron Smith
Best Local Baseball Announcer of All-Time: Orioles’ Jon Miller
Best Local Football Announcer of All-Time: WBAL-TV and WBAL Radio’s Voice of the Ravens, Gerry Sandusky
Best Local Interviewer, Television, of All-Time: WBFF’s Jeff Barnd and WJZ’s Katie Leahan with Special Mention for the Entire WBFF’s Excellent Crew
Best Radio News Director: WBAL’s Mark Miller
Best Political Pundit Anywhere, Local or National: Fox News Network’s Dana Perino (see Vatzian article on her); Special Mention: Fox News Network’s Bill Hemmer; as a team, they are unsurpassable; Special Mention: Fox News Network’s Harris Faulkner
Best International Reporter: Fox News Networks’ Trey Yingst (see Vatzian Article on him)
Best on Media Criticism: Fox News Networks’ Howard Kurtz
I am not uninterested in any well-informed disagreements…thank you.

Richard E. Vatz is a Distinguished Professor Emeritus of political rhetoric at Towson University and author of The Only Authentic of Persuasion: the Agenda-Spin Model (Bookwrights House, 2024) and over 200 other works, essays, lectures, and op-eds. He is the benefactor of the Richard E. Vatz Best Debater Award at Towson. The Van Bokkelen Auditorium at Towson University has been named after him.