Easy ways to reduce energy consumption

If you’ve thought about saving energy, we’re sure you’ve thought about a picture bigger than just saving a couple of extra bucks every month. As you aim to lower the amount of energy consumed by not only you but your general home, it goes a long way since it aids in reducing the environmental impacts. In essence, this generates a winning outcome for all those involved.

At times, the task of saving energy seems somewhat daunting but we’re here to reassure you that this is in no way true. Speak to the experts at Josco Energy from NJ to find out more about how they can help you. You can start by making some really small changes at home and this will also generate some pretty huge savings financially. Stay with us as we dive deeper into some important tips that will get you started!

Get an Energy Audit

Firstly, you should get a professional audit done. This will provide you with an idea of exactly how energy efficient your home is, and it will also tell you where energy is escaping and what you can do to resolve the problem. At times, energy loss can come from the simplest things such as caulking windows or even cooling and heating equipment that’s just about ready to check out.

All of the above-mentioned issues and much more can be safely determined by when you contact a registered professional to perform your homes energy audit.

Lower Your Thermostat

Statistics have shown that roughly 56% of the energy consumed by a home comes from cooling and heating, and this number according to the U.S Department of Energy accounts for the largest expense of energy. Additionally, the location of your thermostat plays a huge role since it goes on to affect efficiency as well as overall performance. So, be sure to read and pay attention to the instructions to prevent any unnecessary cycling of your furnace or air conditioner. And, keep in mind that when you’re installing a thermostat, be sure to place them where they aren’t in contact with windows, doors, draft, sunlight or even skylights.

Ways to Save Electricity, Natural Gas And Water At Home

One of the most commonly known fact for saving is simply unplugging appliances when you are no longer using them, these include chargers as well as even your stereo. And, if you’re wondering why, well, simply put they continue to consume energy even after you’ve finished using them. Additionally, when you or even anyone else in your home is finished with the television, ensure that you turn it off or you remind them to do the same. In the case of facing a cold winter, be sure your windows are shut tight to prevent cold air from coming in, and in a case where it is, be sure to have it repaired because this small tip will not only keep you warm, but it will also save you some extra cash.

When a warmer season comes along, be sure to close your shades and turn the lights off during bright days. Additionally, be sure to keep doors closed to save energy and prevent both heat and cold loss to the environment. When it comes to saving water, don’t forget to turn the water off when you brush your teeth. And, while doing the dishes, wash and then rinse.

Check Your Appliances

It is always wise to keep in mind that even though you pay a specific price for any appliance, there is always an additional cost attached. This simply means that it’s going to cost you to have it operational and if you have appliances that are older than your ten-year-old kid, we are more than sure that tech has drastically improved and the energy saving feature isn’t up to date like the newer version. So, maybe you should think about updating.

However, when you’re in a shopping mood don’t forget to look out for the trusted Energy Star. Products with this particular marking have all been tested and known to truly use up to 50% less. And, their product line spans to just about any appliance even that of dishwashers and refrigerators.

Heating and Cooling Efficiency Tips

When you’re enjoying warmer days outside, be sure to increase your thermostat to around 80 degrees while keeping your doors and windows closed. If you’re using an air conditioner to keep cool, be sure to clean your filters as well as the outside coil to keep the air flowing. Additionally, you can always use some curtains or a pair of shades to help with keeping the sun out of your eyes and when it’s colder inside, don’t forget to open up the curtains!