Ahmed Nashaat on Why Traveling Is Important for Education

Traveling is something that most people see as either a necessity for work or something to simply enjoy. However, according to Ahmed Nashaat, it is equally important to travel for overall education. People do a lot of things in order to learn, such as going to school and reading, but traveling teaches us a variety of important skills as well.

Education and Traveling According to Ahmed Nashaat

When we travel, we learn a variety of important things. For instance, we learn mathematical skills because we often have to work with different currencies. At the same time, we may have to negotiate and haggle when we are at the market. We learn things such as how to dig an irrigation channel and why this is important, or how to cook a fantastic dish. Traveling is a way to learn life skills and to improve ourselves. Doing so, in turn, makes us far more desirable in the workplace. Additionally, when we travel, we get a sense of adventure and that is good for our overall well-being. Perhaps we can learn the same financial Skills by going to a supermarket for instance, but that is a lot less exciting.

Unfortunately, young people, in particular, are reluctant to travel. The reason for this is that they no longer want to step out of their comfort zone. This is particularly true from those in rural areas, where the hustle and bustle of a foreign city or area may simply be too much to handle. Yet, traveling is something that everybody should be involved in and it is very positive to see that school’s are recognizing this. One way in which they are doing this is by offering pupils the opportunity to take part in foreign exchange programs or simply by going on school trips to interesting areas that may also link into their curriculum. For instance, a school trip to Auschwitz fits in with most history class work, while also providing students with the opportunity to learn about life in a foreign country that is charged with so much history.

Of course, it is equally important that parents take on the challenge of instilling the travel dog in their children. They should be supportive of any desire to visit new places and do what they can to make this possible period even if travel is not within the financial means of a family, they should be committed to encouraging their children to look into opportunities when they grow up themselves. In so doing, when the child grows up to be an adult and become self-sufficient, they may have the financial means to also visit the world.

The world is a huge and wonderful place, with thousands of corners to explore. No two trips will ever be the same on each trip will bring something new to the life experiences of The Traveller. Embarrassing themselves into different cultures, different ways of life, listening to different languages, tasting different foods, those are all experiences that help to shape us into better human beings.