Perils of Talcum Powder

The silicate mineral talc is found underground, often mixed in with asbestos and other toxic minerals. For over a hundred years it has played an important part in the production of talcum powder. Today scientists are researching how carcinogenic mineral talc can be.

The use of talcum powder among women to dust their genitals for hygienic purposes is widespread. Such use means the talc has the opportunity to migrate into the ovaries and cervix. Nearly a half century ago researchers discovered fibers of talc deep within cervical and ovarian extracted cancer tumors.

The CPRC (Cancer Prevention Research Center) found a thirty-four percent higher occurrence with ovarian cancer with women who used cleansers containing the mineral talc around their genital area.

And a 2016 study at Brigham & Women’s Boston Hospital along with Harvard’s School of Public Health discovered that there is a link between the use of talcum and elevated occurences with ovarian cancer.

When doctors catch it right away, an ovarian cancer stands a good chance of being treated effectively. “The problem is,” according to Talcum Powder Lawyer, “that the cancer is very hard to diagnose and detect when it is just getting started.”

Each year around 21 thousand women are given a diagnosis of ovarian cancer. Over fifty percent of them will die from the cancer — this is from statistics from the CDC (Centers for Disease Control.)

It is incorrect to assume that every body powder and baby powder products are filled with the talc mineral. Today most powders use cornstarch instead of talc — which are much safe. There are 3 major brands of powder that still employ the mineral talc:

Naterra International’s Baby Magic Baby Powder;

Johnson and Johnson’s Johnson’s Baby Powder;

And Valeant Pharmaceuticals’ Shower to Shower Powder.

You or another family member can possibly engage in a product liability court claim if you have recently gotten an ovarian cancer diagnosis and have used body powders to enhance feminine hygiene. The ongoing claims have already been filed for Johnson and Johnson — and other powder manufacturers are being investigated for possible court action as well. To participate you would need to have a minimum of 5 years in the constant use of powder containing the mineral talc on or around the genital area. Plus you would need to submit biopsies of ovarian tissues to check for any positive trace of the mineral talc.

Plus participants in a lawsuit must first establish that they are not carrying the BRCA 1 gene or the BRCA 2 genetic disorder, which can predispose females to contract ovarian cancer.

For Johnson and Johnson, or any other talcum body powder producer, the viability of a lawsuit rests upon what is known as the producer’s so-called Duty to Warn.

In most cases a producer legally must warn consumers if any products it produces are known to hold any dangers that could be found from its use. Manufacturers who do not provide adequate and prominent warning about any know hazards with reasonable use of the product can be made liable for illness and/or harm that comes to consumers from using said product.