Mother’s treasures

Photo above: Amy Waller with her treasures. Photo provided by Cat Doss.

There is a classical painting called Cornelia, Mother of the Gracchi by Angelica Kauffmann. While one woman points to her wealth, the famous Roman Cornelia points to her children as her treasures. Her children grew up to be famous Roman politicians and social reformers.

Cornelia Presenting Her Treasures by Angelica Kauffmann
Cornelia Presenting Her Treasures by Angelica Kauffmann

My own mother is a beautiful, noble woman who put her children before all else. For that, I would like to thank her and say: Happy Mother’s Day. I love you!

Cat Doss with her mother, Amy Waller. (Photo provided by Cat Doss)
Cat Doss with her mother, Amy Waller.
(Photo provided by Cat Doss)