Zilla Goes Multi-Lingual
The decentralized platform for ICOs known as Zilla has pioneered the use of poly-lingual crowd sale campaigns, thus making it much easier for projectors and investors to get in on the ground floor of initial offerings, even when they are overseas.
This revolutionary concept involves real-time translation from English into Korean, Japanese, and Chinese. This is a crucial step in crowdsale technology because these three Asian countries are becoming the major players in cryptocurrency startups and ICOs. And this is not a simple matter of letting language algorithms do all the translating work —because of the volatility of the token market and the differing concepts in mathematics between countries like China and the United States, these translations will be done hands on with the help of language experts, so that the information that comes across is clear, accurate, and timely.
Another great benefit of this polyglot approach is that it will help new startups get a much better and wider exposure, so they can spend less time on expensive and chancy marketing promotions and more time on development and research. The Zilla one-step app will let any new startup run their token offerings with incredible ease and reliability. Getting the word out to the right investors, and making the information they require available quickly and efficiently, is becoming a Zilla trademark.
The Zilla app is completely mobile, so it avoids the danger of spoofing and other hacking scams that have cost investors millions of dollars in the past. They do a complete KYC on every Zilla team. Anyone even remotely connected to a scam is banned for life from the Zilla platform. They take cryptocurrency security very seriously.
It’s easy to attract investors, even the big whales, using Zilla, because of their direct chat process. Being available, knowledgeable, and transparent, 24/7 is a great way to grow a vibrant community.
Up until now, crowdsales of the token has been considered a pretty specialized, almost mysterious, process — where the small investor and first-time investor are not welcomed because of lack of knowledge and guidance. But Zilla has changed all that in the twinkling of an eye. Today any type of investor can use the app to instantly be plugged into the current market and crypto coin ICO offerings without having to read a manual or textbook first.
And an important point to remember is that the cryptocurrency market is under a barrage of new rules and that these new regulations differ from country to country. How an ICO for a new cryptocurrency is crowdsaled in the United States is vastly different from how it is processed in a country like China. Zilla has all the latest updates on each country’s regulations and automatically incorporates that into their app when an investor is investigating an opportunity.
New international laws are making it more complicated than ever to be in compliance with every regulation and guideline when it comes to a crypto token crowdsales. But new startups don’t have to worry about that when they use the Zilla app. Zilla is up to date on all compliance issues and takes the worry out of investing that might not conform to current cryptocurrency regulations.