A Poem About Lost Friendship
She was lost and lonely and
You found her
She was funny and spirited and
You liked her
She was smart and witty and
You smiled at her
She was awkward and loud but
You befriended her
She was not always easy to be around but
You championed her
She was not always invited by others but
You added her
She was often talked about but
You supported her
She repeatedly went too far but
You were a crutch for her
She was often laughed at but
You sheltered her
She was rude and clumsy but
You embraced her
She was socially inept but
You defended her
She was rude behind your back but
You kept on being nice to her
She had no idea what people thought but
You thought the best of her
She was depressed and sad but
You were there for her
She was ungrateful and mean but
You helped her
She was draining and abusive but
You believed in her
She was angry and rude but
You tried to balance her
She was jealous and bitter but
You were gracious to her
She was hurtful and spiteful but
You always saw the best in her
She said too many things that friends just don’t say and
She did too many things that friends just don’t do and
You reached the end with her.
Claire Bolden McGill is a British expat who lived in Maryland for three years and moved back to the UK in August 2015. Claire wrote about her life as a British expat on the East Coast and now works in travel and hospitality PR in the UK. She still finds time to blog about her repatriation and the reverse culture shock that ensued – and she still hasn’t finished that novel, but she’s working on it. You can contact Claire via twitter on @clairebmcgill or via her blog From America to England.
Like it! I know what you mean….been there done that! Some people are just toxic.