Mother’s Day Reflection
Today we recall the loving life lessons and many sacrifices of our mothers. (Image by Sabine van Erp from Pixabay )
Reflecting on Mother’s Day 2021 is a time of joy and great memories. Mother’s across our area give and share their life with their children and hardly receive any accolades. Perhaps this year we can really reflect on precious mothers who give of their lives to see that we are successful. It’s time we pause and think of the sacrifice of our mothers.
I am blessed to be raised by a momma who was raised in the depression in the hills of North Carolina in the 1930’s. She was not the most educated momma. She was not the most industrious momma. But she loved the Lord Jesus and prayed her 5 kids to be successful.
Her hands are calloused now and her hair jet gray, but she is still our momma.
She buried her husband she loved 8 years ago and thought her heart would break in two, but she kept going. She struggles with social skills and has no knowledge in the techno world we live in, but she is still our momma. She makes quilts and sews many kinds of useful things for us all.
I remember as a boy in the 1960’s – 1970’s she made little sandbags, army back backs and military clothes for our GI JOE toys . Momma never found herself glued to a TV set — she had much to do for her family. Raising 5 children was her full-time job and her calling from GOD.
Momma raised us in the Chesapeake Bay area since Dad was a HS teacher in Ferndale -Linthicum, Maryland for 26 years. HE was busy teaching during the day and working at Sears at night so all of us could attend a Christian school in west Baltimore.
Godly parents are rare these days. We were raised in the generation of playing outside, riding bikes, experiencing mini bikes and finding dirt trails. Playing our 8 tracks of the Beach boys and drinking from a garden hose in the summer.
Momma made sure she brought a little of the Smoky mountains to Maryland.
Even though our yard was small, Momma made use of every inch with a huge garden planted every year. We had tomatoes, beans, okra, cucumbers and squash every summer. Our beagle named Sam, kept the animals away from the garden.
Like so many senior mom’s today, Momma lived for her kids and made us American citizens that love our flag, respect our leaders and obey the laws. She taught us to pray and believe that God can use us to impact people. She made sure we dressed sharp in public and that our speech was kind.
In the final years of Momma’s life, I can reflect on her Christian love to our family. Every mother who prays, cares and loves her family is to be honored. What would our communities look like without dedicated Mothers to impact our lives? They give of themselves unselfishly and humbly meet our needs all our lives. As Abraham Lincoln said, ” All that I am and all that I hope to be I owe to my angel mother.”
Proverbs 31 mentions the characteristics of a godly woman. It lists the traits of a woman who lives for others. I especially enjoy vs. 27 -30:
“She watches over the ways of her household,
And does not eat the bread of idleness.
Her children rise up and call her blessed;
Her husband also, and he praises her:
“Many daughters have done well,
But you excel them all.”
Charm is deceitful and beauty is passing,
But a woman who fears the Lord, she shall be praised.”
We thank God for the mothers who make a difference in our lives. You are never forgotten. We love you !
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With houses of worship currently closed or restricted across much of the nation, the editors of the Baltimore Post-Examiner are inviting an array of spiritual teachers to share insights from the ages along with words of comfort and encouragement. These timely messages are not exclusive to any particular faith walk and will be included in our ongoing Spirituality series.
Rev. Bruce A. McBride ( M.A., M. DIV) is Director of Pastoral Care, UPMC Western Maryland in Cumberland, MD. A graduate of Bob Jones University. Greenville, SC (BA in Bible, 1980, MA in Pastoral Studies, 1987) and Liberty University, Lynchburg, VA (Master of Divinity, 2009,) McBride was ordained in 1987 at Townsend Avenue Baptist Church in Baltimore, MD., McBride has pastored churches in NJ, WV and MD for 32 years and taught Bible and History for 5 years in Glen Burnie, MD. He has been married to Judith Hauser for 38 years and is the father of 4 adult children.