Maryland Reporter fundraiser supports State House coverage
Republicans and Democrats, business lobbyists and union leaders, environmentalists and oil company representatives, were among the 80 people from right, left and center, who attended the second annual happy hour for on Thursday night at Harry Browne’s across from the State House in Annapolis. The event raised about $20,000 for the nonprofit news website, which is dedicated to providing comprehensive news about state government and politics. Sponsors are listed at the bottom of this page. Many who donated were unable to attend the event. Here’s a photo gallery of some of the folks who did. The photos were taken by reporter Jeremy Bauer-Wolf. Couldn’t make it? Donations to are tax deductible since it is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation recognized by the IRS. Make a donation, and we’ll be happy to buy you a drink at Harry Browne’s. Major Sponsors

From left: Olivia Doherty and Aurora Matthews of the Hatcher Group, Jennifer Bevan-Dangel of Common Cause, and Dawn Stoltzfus of the Hatcher Group.
The Mikulis Family Steve Geimann, Bloomberg News, Comcast Sponsors Maryland State Education Association. The Hatcher Group, Gerard E. Evans, Ltd., AFSCME Maryland 3, Jefferson Communications, What’s Up Magazines Mid-Atlantic Petroleum Distributors, Manis Canning & Associates, Senator & Mrs. Marty Madden, Kelly & Associates Insurance Group, Inc., Southern Maryland Electric Cooperative (SMECO). Friends of Len The Business Monthly, Maryland Multi-Housing Association, Apartment & Office Building Association, Schwartz, Metz & Wise, P.A.. Lee & Steve Sachs, Dan Gainor, Alice Neily Mutch, Clai Carr & The Gardens Ice House Damian O’Doherty, Joann & Michael Davis, Washington Gas, Maryland Petroleum Council.

From the Maryland State Education Association, communications director Adam Mendelson and president Betty Weller, a celebrity bartender.

Ron Wineholt of the Apartment and Office Building Association and Kathy Dempsey of the Maryland Catholic Conference. is a daily news website produced by journalists committed to making state government as open, transparent, accountable and responsive as possible – in deed, not just in promise. We believe the people who pay for this government are entitled to have their money spent in an efficient and effective way, and that they are entitled to keep as much of their hard-earned dollars as they possibly can.