How These 3 Instagram Influencers Got their Start

Instagram influencers have dramatically changed the nature of digital marketing. Many brands have discovered that they can reach larger audiences and improve their perception by collaborating with respected influencers. Companies plan to spend $15 billion on influencer marketing by 2022. Demand for influencer marketing services is going to increase 67% between 2019 and 2022. This figure could rise even higher, as more businesses decide to shift their marketing resources online in the post-Covid economy

There are many elements of Instagram marketing, which can be used to promote any type of business. Even restaurants are using Instagram marketing these days. The most successful Instagram campaigns rely on influencers. 

In order to appreciate the impact of influencer marketing, it is necessary to look at case studies of major influencers. Other aspiring influencers might have an easier time entering the profession by seeing how they got their start. 

Here are the back stories of some of the most popular influencers on Instagram. You can be inspired by them if you are trying to learn how to make money on Instagram.

Kayla Itsines

Kayla Itsines is a 29-year-old personal trainer and Instagram influencer from Australia. She created her own line of e-books known as the Bikini Body Guides. 

Kayla built her business empire through Instagram. She didn’t actually set out to become an Instagram star. Kayla originally just started helping her younger sister and her sister’s friends train for a high school sports team. She taught them how to build their core and leg strength. She also gave them important lessons nutrition. Many of these lessons were documented on video. 

Kayla had the girls take pictures of themselves before they started the training. She also asked them to take pictures throughout the program to see how they progressed. 

Her younger cousin was the one that suggested putting the photos on Instagram. She told Kayla that Instagram could be a great way to educate more women about fitness and nutrition practices. 

Kayla never expected her Instagram to become so popular. However, she earned thousands of followers within a matter of months. Lots of women started asking her for fitness tips. It wasn’t long before companies started asking her to help promote their products as well. 

Kayla used her sudden Instagram popularity to build a thriving business. She monetized her presence by selling a series of books and videos. Today, Kayla has over 12,.6 million followers on Instagram. 

Cameron Dallas 

Cameron Dallas is a 25-year-old social media star. He got started back in 2012 by posting videos on Vine and YouTube. Cameron later had the opportunity to star in a couple of movies, including The Outfield. He also starred in his own Netflix reality show called Chasing Cameron. 

Cameron’s initial content was funny, but not very deep. It mostly consisted of jokes and pranks that he and his friends played on each other. He also made some silly satirical videos, such as one pretending to be a girl using too much make up to illustrate a point. His more recent content has been more insightful, which is helped him build a more serious brand image. 

Huda Kattan

Huda Kattan is currently the owner of a multi-million dollar beauty company. She never intended to become the CEO of a major business, but she became such a popular influencer that she couldn’t resist the opportunity. She simply wanted to blog about her favorite beauty products. 

Huda’s blog and Instagram profiles originally started off as a hobby. She didn’t realize that so many people would appreciate the advice. As more people started following her, she started using her voice to build a larger brand. 

After a while, Huda realized that she had the opportunity to build a much larger business. She took the plunge and became a millionaire. Instagram has played a very important role in growing her business

Despite her success, Huda admits that there are some challenges:

“You don’t think about those things when you’re first starting. You’re just like, I’m going to figure out where to get this supplier, this manufacturer, and just put everything together. And if I have to package it myself, I will. We’re now selling millions of units on a monthly basis. As [the company] continues to grow, I find I’m a different person completely year on year.”

Nevertheless, she has enjoyed the process and loves running her own business.

Instagram Influencers Often Have Humble Beginnings 

The Instagram influencer profession is booming in 2020. You don’t need a huge budget to get started with this business. You just need a great message and engaging content, as the influencers listed above have proven. 


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