Customizing your perfect ring
Image by Adina Voicu from Pixabay
Are those wedding bells I hear?
Proposing to someone is one of the loveliest moments in life. It is only fair that this engagement ring you’re giving out matches your soon to be fiance’s personality. Luckily engagement rings can be personalized to do precisely this. This ring will be worn on their finger for the rest of their lives, so it’s only fair that the utmost care and love are put into it. We’re going to tell you everything you need to know about customizing your engagement ring.
Be ahead of the game
Depending on how in-depth your customization of the ring is, it can affect how quickly these customizations can be delivered. This can end up being anywhere from a week to a couple of months! Don’t book that special dinner where you want to pop the question until you’ve got a time scale on how long your ring will take to be personalized and delivered.
Be inspired
If you can find some photos of engagement rings on websites like Facebook or Instagram, it can be an excellent starting point for figuring out what you want to do with your own engagement rings. You can look at multiple rings and mix and match what you like and don’t like about each one. Maybe you like the metal color on one ring but not the diamond, then on another ring, you adore the diamond but think the metal color is downright disgusting. You should trial and error different ideas and see what you end up liking the best.
Choose the perfect metal
This can be one of the most exciting bits of the customization process. If you’re looking for a more traditional ring, you could go for white gold, silver, platinum, or yellow gold. However, as times keep changing, it’s perfectly acceptable to try out some more “outlandish” modern metal colors. Rose gold rings are becoming increasingly popular for engagements and weddings. Another increasingly popular option is recycled metals, which produce a hybrid ring of a whole range of different colors. Modern rings for the modern couple!
Time to pick the stone
We won’t lie. It would be lovely to just look at all stones on offer and pick one. However, you do need to take into consideration the price of the stones you wish to select. We advise that you have a budget for your overall customization and then sub-divide that into a specific section for the metal, stone, and then the cut. Despite this, no stone is “better” than another stone. It’s all down to you and what you think your partner would like. Don’t worry about the carat size or shine. Follow your heart.
Let’s get the stone cut!
This is probably the most fun you’ll have in the whole customization process. You have all kinds of options to pick from. The most popular stone cut is by far the traditional “Round cut” but you’re not constrained by this; it is your choice after all. The other options on offer include heart cuts, oval cuts, and even pear cuts. This isn’t an exhaustive list, but it should give you a pretty good idea of just how much flexibility there is for you.
Customization complete
Once you’ve finally settled on all the bits and pieces, you want your engagement ring to have it’s time to finalize it with your selected jeweler and get it paid for. Before you know it, an engagement ring full of soul and style will be at your doorstep. Get ready to pop the question and make that special someone unbelievably happy!