Common Wildlife Found in Baltimore and Which Ones Get in Your Home
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Baltimore is incredibly diverse when it comes to wildlife. There are all kinds of animals that live in the city, and they all coexist with us humans. Of course, some of these animals are known to get into your home, where they become pests. Which animals is Baltimore known for, and which ones are likely to get into your home?
America in Miniature
Baltimore is often called ‘America in Miniature’ when it comes to wildlife. There’s such a large range of animals that call the city home, you’ll find all kinds of animals in the wild here. This is because there’s a wide range of habitats here that make the perfect homes for animals. There’s marshlands, sand dunes, oak and pine forests, and more. Because of all these habitat types, lots of animals have thrived in Baltimore.
When it comes to predators, you’ll commonly see black bears, coyotes, wolves, and cougars. As Maryland is a coastal state, there’s plenty of marine wildlife too. You can find sperm whales, dolphins, beaked whales, porpoises, and manatees in the ocean waters here.
There’s plenty of animals that aren’t actually native to the area, though. Horses were introduced to Baltimore thanks to Spanish explorers. The Sika deer is another non-native animal, which is a much lighter deer than the white-tailed deer who are native to the city.
Which are the most common animals though? These are mammals such as raccoons, foxes, squirrels, rats, moles, and more. These are the animals that you’ll often find in your home, and so you’ll need to find them and remove them.
Common Wildlife Found in Your Home
Which animals are likely to try and get into your home and get comfortable? Here are some examples you should watch out for:
Raccoons: These are commonly found around your home, as there are so many food sources for them. They’re happy to get into your garbage cans and make a mess looking for food if you don’t have tight-fitting lids. They like to live in your attic, so look out for them there. Here is a great source for removing raccoons.
Squirrels: Squirrels are another common mammal that loves your attic. It’s easy for them to climb trees to gain access to the area, away from any predators.
Skunks: Skunks are usually found under decks and in crawl spaces, as they allow them to be undisturbed. It’s usually female skunks that make their nests there to breed and will spray unwanted suitors. Of course, that means the smell will make its way into your house. This is why it is important to know how to get rid of skunks in case your home becomes the site of a skunk infestation.
Opossums: These animals are another mammal that will root through garbage to find food. They’ll also live under your porch usually, as it offers great shelter.
Bats: Bats are common in Baltimore, and they may decide your home is the best shelter for them. They’re important to the ecosystem as they eat insect populations, keeping them under control. However, you won’t want them in your home as the droppings can lead to Histoplasmosis breeding, which is transferable to humans. Thus, it is vital to remove them or find a professional to help you as soon as possible. District Wildlife Solutions deals with bats on a regular basis.
Rats: Rats are a pest well known to many homeowners. If they get into your home they’ll chew on all kinds of things, including power cables that can lead to fires.
Keeping Wildlife Out of Your Home
The best way to keep these animals out of your home is by prevention. If you can identify what attracts them to your home and address the problems, it will help a lot.
Animals are usually looking for food, water, and shelter. Prevent them from getting in to get shelter wherever you can. Your attic is a hot spot, so seal up any cracks and trim tree branches away, to make it harder to get in. Seal up garbage cans, and pick up fallen fruit in your yard to stop them from finding food. You’ll also need to address any leaks or other issues so you can stop them from getting in for water.
These are some very basic tips, and if you think you have animals living in your home, you’ll need to get professional help to remove them. Now you know which animals to look out for, so keep an eye on your home and prevent entry whenever possible. Keep those animals out in the wild, where they belong.