7 Really Easy But Healthy Ways To Drink More Water

Are you getting enough water in your diet? Health experts recommend an average daily intake of 8x 8 ounce glasses of water per adult, but who wants to keep counting all day?

Finding ways to drink more water each day doesn’t have to be just another unwelcome chore on your ever-growing list of priorities. After all, 60% of your body is composed of the stuff, so it’s pretty important.

Whether you work from home or you’re constantly on the go, clean drinking water is necessary fuel for the body. Drinking water regularly can help improve clarity of thought, bowel movement, and hydration, among other benefits.

The good news is there are plenty of ways to drink more water besides your tap. Turn an ordinary glass of water into a refreshing beverage you actually look forward to drinking more of!

How To Drink More Water Each Day

1. Keep a pitcher of filtered water handy.

No need to go to the kitchen sink or trips to your refrigerator when you can keep cold filtered water in a pitcher on hand. It’s a lot easier to drink more water if it’s easily accessible. A quality water filter pitcher provides your entire home with clean drinking water on-demand.

2. Invest in a water dispenser for your home or office.

Even if the municipal tap water is safe to drink, a water dispenser is a convenient way to access clean drinking water anytime you want.


Some water dispensers dispense both hot and cold, making them useful all year around. Get as many as you need for your home or office, and the gallons you save will start to add up, saving you money on your water bill.

Take a look at these reviews to find the best water dispenser for your needs and budget.

3. Add fruit to your water for flavoring.

Apple, slices, peach, lemon, grape – the choice is yours. Soaking fruit in your water will enhance the flavor and is a great way to drink more water.

4. Drink a glass of water before each meal.

One of the easiest ways to drink more water is by adding a glass of water to your meals. 1 8 ounces glass per meal brings you that much closer to the daily recommended intake.

5. Reduce your consumption of carbonated beverages.

Reaching for your favorite soft drink might feel like second nature, but sugar-loaded, carbonated soft drinks actually increase your thirst.

Avoid keeping these kind of drinks on hand in your home. If you can at least confine your soft drinks to on the road, you’ll significantly reduce your sugar intake and start to drink more water instead.

6. Travel with a water bottle instead of bottled water.

Sipping on water while you wait in traffic, at the bus stop, or walking on an errand is another simple way to drink more water each day.

A quality water bottle made of stainless steel or glass is much more environmentally friendly than plastic and will save you money over time. Sealed water bottles can double as a thermos too, but be careful of stainless steel water bottles with plastic interiors. Any plastic used for storing water should be BPA-free.

Want to drink more water and save money? Here are 5 Reasons You Should Stop Using Plastic Water Bottles.

7. Drink 1 cup of water for every cup of coffee.

This one is especially for coffee lovers. Think about how many cups of coffee you guzzle back in a day? Add a glass of clean filtered water for each cup of the good stuff, and you’ll probably be able to fit in 3 – 4 cups of water – nearly half the daily required intake!