4 Things To Consider When Buying a Boat 

Have you always fancied yourself a salty sailor? Or maybe you’d like a boat for a more relaxing weekend in the harbor. Perhaps you’re considering giving up the 9-5 life for a life on the waves with the ocean’s salty spray in your hair? While it sounds ideal, there are considerations you should think about before diving in.

1. The Ocean is Autonomous

It’s easy to forget that the image of having and owning a boat can look a lot like a scene out of a movie: you at the helm, getting a light tan on calm Mediterranean waters. However, you don’t have to watch endless YouTube clips of fishing boats in the North Sea to know that the sea can be a dangerous space. While you can stick to “safer” areas, the ocean is a mistress unto itself, and you should always remain aware that accidents can happen if you aren’t careful.

Should you get into a boating accident, you may need to enlist the help of lawyers like Brian Guralnick. It’s better to be cautious on the waters; to do so, you should be fully qualified to sail and own a boat before you even consider buying one.

2. Costs

Buying a boat – dingy, catamaran, or yacht – will be expensive, albeit with varying degrees of cost. But what many people forget about are all the possible costs that come with owning a boat, much like owning a car. It would be best if you still had insurance; you’ll inevitably need to pay for repairs, and the general upkeep of a boat can cost a fortune in and of itself. Then there’s the fuel to consider, which will vary in cost depending on the size of your ship and expenses like mooring fees.

These expenses will set you back a considerable amount of money. So, it’s worth calculating the yearly costs of owning a boat before you buy. Also, consider whether renting a boat or having a local membership could be more beneficial for you.

3. Boating Licenses

Before buying your boat, do you have the appropriate licenses and qualifications needed? In the US, over 40 states require you to have boater education before you operate your vessel. If you don’t have this or fail the course, you’ll likely be unable to sail, so ensure you ace your tests first.

As well as it is the law, it’s better to know that you can look after your boat and the people on it before you sail. You’d feel awful should something terrible happen because you didn’t have the necessary knowledge. It’s just like learning to ride a motorcycle or car – it’s better to be safe than sorry.

4. Sustainability

Would you happen to care about sustainability? If so, boating might seem better than other forms of travel, like flights, but it’s crucial to consider sustainable boating practices, as this could change what type of vessel you choose to invest in.

Ay, Ay, Captain!

Once you’ve considered these elements, properly educated yourself, and bought your boat, you can explore the seven seas.