Snoring Mouthpieces: How to Pick the Right One for You

Do you or your sleep partner snore? Around 90 million Americans snore occasionally, and 37 million Americans snore regularly. Snoring isn’t just annoying for your sleep partner – snoring can disturb your own sleep and lead to other problems; health risks of snoring may include problems like daytime drowsiness, fragmented sleep, and heart disease.

A snoring mouthpiece could improve your relationship and your health, but there are so many on the market right now, how can you know which one is the best? That’s why you should check out this snoring mouthpieces comparison guide by Sleepyhood.

Let’s talk about the two main types of snoring mouthpieces and how to pick the right one for you.

What Causes Snoring?

Before we talk about the types of snoring mouthpieces, we need to discuss what causes snoring. Snoring is the result of an obstruction of airflow coming through your nose or mouth while you’re sleeping. Several different things can cause this obstruction, including:

  • Bulky throat tissue as a result of being overweight or having large tonsils and adenoids.
  • Blocked nasal airways due to congestion, nasal polyps, or a deviated septum.
  • Overly relaxed throat or tongue muscles can be caused by alcohol consumption, aging, deep sleep, or sleeping pills.
  • A long soft palate and/or uvula can narrow the airway from the nose to the throat.

Many of these issues can be managed with a snoring mouthpiece, while others may require a more intense solution like a continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) or surgery.

The Two Main Types of Snoring Mouthpieces

There are two main types of snoring mouthpieces. Each mouthpiece has its own pros and cons.

Mandibular Advancement Device (MAD)

One cause of snoring is your tongue relaxing back into your throat. A mandibular advancement device holds your lower jaw forward, which can help prevent your tongue from obstructing your airway.

Tongue Stabilizing Device (TSD)

Much like a mandibular advancement device, a tongue stabilizing device helps hold your tongue at the front of your mouth so it can’t fall back and block your airway. Some users find these mouthpieces more comfortable, but you must be able to breathe through your nose to be able to use a tongue stabilizing device.

How to Pick the Right Snoring Mouthpiece for You

The first thing you need to decide is whether you want a MAD or a TSD. If you generally breathe well through your nose, a TSD may be an excellent choice. However, if you have a deviated septum or chronic congestion due to allergies, you’ll want to go with a MAD so you can breathe through your mouth while you sleep.

Now that you’ve decided which type of mouthpiece would be best, you can pick the ideal mouthpiece for you. Here are some things to look for.

Large Breathing Hole

If you can’t breathe well through your nose, a small breathing hole may make you feel like you’re struggling to breathe. Small breathing holes can also make a whistling sound that isn’t much easier for your sleep partner to tolerate than snoring.


While it may be tempting to buy a snoring mouthpiece that you can just pop right in and use right away, it’s harder to get a good fit and you’re likely to stop using it after a couple of nights. Many snoring mouthpieces have “boil and bite” technology that allows you to mold the mouthpiece specifically to your mouth and teeth. This generally leads to a more comfortable fit, especially if you buy a mouthpiece that can be boiled more than once to get the perfect fit.

Find One that can Micro-Adjust

Some snoring mouthpieces allow you to adjust the lower part of the mouthpiece 1 mm at a time. This is another great way to get the perfect fit with your snoring mouthpiece. You can advance the lower jaw far enough forward to keep your airway open without putting it so far forward that it causes tooth or jaw pain.

Smaller is Better

A snoring mouthpiece that goes way up on your gum line can be very uncomfortable. Look for one that’s no longer than ¾” at the front. This is one instance where bigger is NOT better.

Wrapping Up

Hopefully, our tips will help you find the right snoring mouthpiece for you so you can avoid the health risks of snoring. Just in case, it’s always a good idea to look for one that offers a try it before you buy it guarantee. With a little research and luck, you and your sleep partner can start getting better sleep in no time!