Dedication of Amy Sherald’s Mural: Equilibrium
Artist Amy Sherald’s mural, “Equilibrium,” was dedicated Tuesday afternoon inside the Parkway Theatre. Her mural hangs on the wall outside the theatre.
Mayor Catherine Pugh of Baltimore spoke at the proceedings. She asked the audience “to continue to support the artists in our city.” She added how proud she is of Amy Sherald and her great work. Mayor Pugh also praised Station North and proprietors, like Kevin Brown, who owns a nearby restaurant. She ended by saying: “We hold you, Amy, as our own.”
Sherald then added her remarks to the proceedings. She recently gained some notoriety as the artist who drew the official portrait of the former First Lady, Michele Obama.
The original painting of “Equilibrium” hangs in the United States Embassy, located in Dakar, Senegal. Sherald is a MICA graduate and a native of Columbus, Georgia.
Sherald said that she was “excited to unveil this mural” in Station North, close to the “electric nerve of our city.” She added her paintings “celebrate the stories of light and love contained within the magical presence of the people who walk this stretch each day.”
The Baltimore Office of Promotions & the Arts sponsored the event before a capacity audience inside the lobby of the Parkway Theatre. Kudos to the BOPA.
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Bill Hughes is an attorney, author, actor and photographer. His latest book is “Byline Baltimore.” It can be found at: