Hillary Clinton will win the presidency in a landslide
In the fall of 2007 during her first run for president, Hillary Clinton was often asked why her name was so polarizing in politics. She had a good answer: Unlike the other Democrats competing with her for the nod, she had a record of withstanding Republican attacks that went back for decades. It had taken its toll on her, of course, but the fact that she was still standing was a testament to her electability.
Today, her campaign is barely a week old, and she’s already endured years of attacks since she emerged as the overwhelming favorite for the nomination in 2016. But she’s not just standing—she’s thriving. Every indicator, from polling to economic fundamentals to demographical analysis, points to her being in the driver’s seat for 2016.
A batch of polling from CNN and Opinion Research point to a landslide if the election were held today, with Clinton’s strongest potential opponent, Marco Rubio, trailing her by 14 points at 55-41. Her edges against the rest of the GOP field are even more lopsided, with Clinton even mustering a 24-point edge over Senator Ted Cruz.
Other polling shows a much more modest advantage for Clinton. Fox News projects much tighter margins, with Clinton only besting her nearest rival, Rand Paul, by 3 points. Quinnipiac also shows some close numbers, with Marco Rubio even coming within 2 points of Clinton.
Clinton is also doing well in battleground states. The 12-point lead that the vaunted Marquette Law School poll found for her over Governor Scott Walker in Wisconsin has to make her campaign feel good right now. Walker is the only GOP candidate not saddled by enormous political baggage and a moribund state economy (New Jersey’s Chris Christie) who has shown he can win repeatedly in a blue state.
What makes these numbers (near-universal, if sometimes modest, leads) so promising for Clinton is that they’re coming up at a time when she’s facing more scrutiny than she has in years. Of course, the media glare and Republican grilling will get worse for her—much worse—as the election season goes on. But now that she’s an announced candidate, she’s shed a lot of the goodwill that voters, including some Republicans, granted her when she spent four years as an almost non-partisan figure at the State Department. She’s been hounded about her email server. And within the last few days (too late to be reflected in these polls) she’s faced questions about donations and speaking fees at the Clinton Foundation.
But her numbers are still resilient, even as every Republican in the field targets her.
“Hillary Clinton eats scandals for breakfast,” Bill Maher gloated last week. He was noting that her numbers are holding steady even as the Republican attack machine revs up. And while I wouldn’t be so sanguine about the potential dangers these stories pose to the Clinton campaign, there’s definitely something to his observation. A lot of pundits are speculating about something called Clinton fatigue, but they’ve only identified two-thirds of the phenomenon. The real issue is fatigue over Clinton pseudo-scandals.
Ever since the early 1990s, when congressional Republicans and talk radio began hounding the Clintons over a real estate deal they made in Arkansas (from which they lost money), Clinton pseudo-scandals have been almost a constant in U.S. politics. Republican senator and 1996 GOP presidential nominee Bob Dole called for an investigation of Clinton over his old, unprofitable real estate deal on the same day the President was mourning the loss of his mother. GOP congressman Dan Burton, in a deranged effort to prove that the death of one of Clinton’s aides couldn’t possibly have been a suicide, summoned a handful of reporters to his ranch, and in his quest for truth proceeded to shoot a watermelon. And the special prosecutor Ken Starr, appointed by the conservative Supreme Court Justice William Rehnquist to investigate Clinton’s alleged scandals, had a curious habit of frequently announcing that his investigation was reaching “a critical stage” just as elections were looming. The malevolent prosecutor enjoyed watching the Clintons squirm, and even ordered that blood be drawn from the President for DNA testing when a cotton swab to the cheek could have obtained the same evidence. But after years of hunting the President of the United States, that vial of blood was all he got.
Meanwhile, the economy was booming, with 22 million jobs created in the Clinton years while the stock market tripled in value. But no matter how good things got—no matter how far the poverty rate plunged, no matter how seriously Clinton’s budgets whittled away at the deficit, and no matter how eye-popping private sector earnings became—the rage against the Clintons never seemed to diminish. If anything, it got worse, culminating with an impeachment at a time when Bill Clinton’s approval ratings were surging to the 70 percent mark. In the 1998 midterm elections that were dominated by impeachment promises, Republicans lost seats.
Breathless Republican demands for investigations into the Clintons’ nefarious dealings has become something like an unofficial law of American politics. Their criticisms and accusations barely register because they’re so commonplace, expected, and routine.
Now they’re beginning their barrage again. Maybe they’ll find something this time, nestled in one of the Clinton Foundation’s thousands of donations and dealings, a transaction gone wrong that can really haunt the former Secretary of State. But I wouldn’t put money on it. Republicans will throw everything at her—they always do—but unless it really is a bombshell, it just won’t register with the voters Clinton can’t afford to lose in November. Sure, it’ll send millions of people in some circles into a tizzy—assuming those people can take a break from calling for yet another investigation into Benghazi. But they aren’t the audience Clinton needs to win over, and they’ve never been.
Pundits are talking about Clinton fatigue—but none other than Fox News is out with evidence that’s not an issue. By a 52-39 margin, voters they polled believe that being associated with the Clinton dynasty is a positive. But another dynasty isn’t faring so well: Voters say by a 58-34 margin that the Bush name hurts Jeb Bush.
People remember the Clinton boom, and even more people remember the financial crisis that began under George W. Bush that America’s still recovering from. For a national psyche that first and foremost wants the slow recovery to really accelerate, the Clinton brand seems pretty appealing.
No, Clinton fatigue isn’t a real thing—it’s the product of over-thinking and speculation by analysts. It’s crystallized into conventional wisdom, but just doesn’t factor in regular Americans’ perceptions. Unless of course, Fox News is massaging poll numbers on behalf of Hillary, in which case these Clinton cover-ups sure go deeper than anyone thought!
What Americans are tired of by 2016 won’t be Hillary Clinton, but the conspiracy theories and crackpot rumors that the far right throws at her. Expect more calls to investigate Benghazi, even after the Republican-led House committee failed to find evidence of wrongdoing in their sixth and most recent investigation. They’ll throw everything they can at her, especially if the economy continues to improve.
The bad news is, the outrage-peddlers are a fixture in American politics, and they’ll be out in full force until November, and sadly after. The very good news is, they’re no better at taking Clinton down than they were twenty years ago.
William Dahl is a recent graduate of The College of William and Mary, where he majored in Government and studied abroad in La Plata, Argentina. He has worked for community foundations in Argentina and Miami dedicated to community engagement and prosecution for human rights abuses. A native Virginian, he moved to Baltimore in 2013 to join a financial research firm, where he enjoys being able to write on the side.
“Presidential Foundations or Pre$idential
FUndations” is a blog post at http://www.libertytakeseffort.com that links the
specific Clinton Cash issue to a broader concern about the commercialization
and selling of the Office of the President.http://www.libertytakeseffort.com
The Clintons and Bushes, historically entrenched
in a system run by moneyed elites, are unlikely to confront it.
NoBushClinton2016 is a rallying cry for action to end the Bush and Clinton
dynasties and take a new direction in national leadership. The campaign began
with the recent NoBushClinton2016 post on the http://www.libertytakeseffort.com blog. It has expanded to include the sale of stickers
at http://www.nobushclinton2016.com
Sorry Timmy, but felons aren’t eligible for public office in the US. They should have taught you that in school, but then again, you did go to William and Mary, so we’ll let it slide this time.
Memo to Boot Lick Dahl:
Keep dreaming that dream, Poindexter!
Every day Hillary breathes, she is more of a liability to the Obama White House and the DNC. And increases her chances of being the recipient of an incapacitating “accident” delivered by obedient minions of Valerie Jarrett, Obama. Or Bill.
Hillary is expendable. Her “Cash Cow, Slush Fund” Family Foundation and its corruption pointing to the White House. Are not!
I hope one day soon we reach a point where the political climate is shaped by, at least, a majority of somewhat informed, relatively intelligent voters instead of two mobs arguing against each other. Both sides are capable of serving this country well but unfortunately we always seem to end up with the snake oil salesman that has the money for the loudest voice. It’s bound to change one way or another as we humans eventually learn from our mistakes, sometimes painfully… I hope in my lifetime we’ll be able to see more reasonable politicians elected to start working on fixing problems instead of causing them.
Isn’t this the same Hillary Clinton who withstood decades of Republican attacks in 2008 and was a sure winner of the Democratic nomination — until an unknown new Senator from Illinois pushed her out of the coronation line? Maybe more than surviving repeated attacks for corrupt behavior is required to win elections (outside of New York, anyway).
Hillary got caught on tape laughing about getting a child rapist off the hook in court. Bill made more than 30 visits to jeffry epstein’s child sex slavery island. Anyone promoting Clintons at this point can only have one motive: They themselves are some sort of sick pedophile hoping to have an ally in a position of power when they get caught diddling a kid. So, William Dahl… exactly what sort of sick pedo are you?
You obviously are a lib kool aid drinker. She took bribes for money, she slept while our boys in Benghazi were murdered and dragged through the streets, she illegally deleted State Department e-mails from her illegal private server. This bitch deserves to be in jail…as would anyone else if they committed those crimes. That you celebrate her as thriving shows what a sick tribal lemming you are. No matter what happens you huddle around your tribe and protect them. Thank God America is waking up and your polls (by more lib kool aid drinkers) will not convince anyone. No amount of lies you spew will change the fact that she is yesterdays news, old and worn out. America is electing a new generation of leaders and Hillary is done. Bye bye Clintons…
Well, at least you are living up to your screen name … Stupid Asso.
And you are living up to typical lib responses when you have no response…just insult them or change the subject…You got nothing , but insults, so STFU until you can make a coherent argument. This blog deserves at least intelligent debate, not ridiculous comebacks better suited for Mad magazine, which is where your I.Q. level appears to hover…
You say that I have nothing but insults and yet what do your posts contain … nothing but insults and vulgarity! insults and vulgarity are not points. You wander so far from making ANY points that you appear to have forgotten all about the article on which you are posting. Hmmm, perhaps I should flag you.
I’m Just A Bill And I’m Sitting Here On Capitol Hill.
I don’t think she willl even win the Democrat primary.
We need Hillary and bad. She is by far the smartest of all. Those clown Republicans are not in her league.
If she does get nomination, let alone elected, all hope for American freedom is forever lost. The police state will take over. But same can be said of most of the opposition. GOP as well as Dems. Our only hope is strong 3rd party. Yes, it can happen, but people will have to turn off TV set & get news on line, not reading only what they already agree with.
I seem to have heard that before. I think it was on the last two Obama elections.
Some people said they’d be in jail or dead if Obama was elected, then nothing happened. Others predicted communism, world economic meltdown, third world war, people running to the hills (ammo sales rocketed), anarchy and the apocalypse.
Keep predicting, dear sir. It is entertaining to watch people who never learn.
And what did we get? Police abuse, military equipment to police, etc. It isn’t happening all at once, but bit by bit. Both Hillary & Barry won’t lift a finger to stop it.
Sure, police abuse and riots never happened before.
I’m also not sure what more you expect from Barry to do. Care to explain in some more details?
You should open your own business. I suggest you call it Wingnut Unhinged.
There is medication for your condition. Paranoia is treatable.
So you’d like the opposition to be drugged into silence.
No, You need medication for your paranoia.
Hey Dahl , I want a little of that Sh–t you are Snorting or Smoking, Because you are High on ” STUPID “
Lol! You Mr.”journalist” are an obvious progressive shill! I find you disgusting as you will vote for this unfit carpetbagger! You sicken me. So you are trying to run your propaganda? It is too early to read polls! Wait till she has to debate real candidates. The only way she wins is if its fixed, tainted. Can’t you see what liberal leadership er community organizing has done? America is a mess! Your ilk is destroying the greatest nation in the history if mankind. Look at your city of Baltimore!!! Police told to ” let them riot”! Your democratic progressives are unfit godless an morally bankrupt. Quit peddiling your propaganda. America is waking up to your rhetoric. Stop using minorities while you and your type continue your assault on american values. As I said, you are disgusting.
See your doctor. They have some medications to help you.
Belize is looking better and better each week.
Well hurry up and leave.
Yes, and it is a former British colony too. You will like it. Think of it as America if the rebels had lost.
Maybe Hillary will re-enact Glass-Steagal. (One of Bill’s biggest mistakes was revoking that foundational law.)
We all hope she does, and her new best friend (and possible V.P.) Elizabeth Warren will herd the legislation through the Democratic controlled Congress, along with a number of other new laws to curtail the power and influence of the big banks, the oil industry, Wall St., hedge fund managers, multiple billionaires, etc. etc.
Yes, Hillary will be President, for better or worse.
Hopefully, Mr. Dahl didn’t spend too much money on an “education” that only gave him a lack of critical thinking and an ability to soak up left wing propaganda and puke out regurgitated talking points. This article has about as much in common with journalism as Hillary Clinton does with honesty.
And just what do you propose Albert?
Unfortunately in today’s world the most incompetent and least qualified will get elected just like the past two elections. Hillary is certainly the least qualified with no accomplishments, everything she touched while secretary of state is in flames. She is the most corrupt taking bribes from foreign countries .
Unfortunately our next president is Hillary.
Hillary is the next President, yes. The rest of your post is garbage and you know it.
She no longer completely trusts him – and I no longer completely trust her.
Will she carry on Obama wealth gap policy of only rewarding the people that give them millions? What say you about Obama rewarding Corzine, Buffet, Soros, Steyer, or any other billionaire? Who are you blaming for that?
What say you about what GOP policies?
Sure, a pro Hillary article by a Lib turd author. How can you even be so stupid to write this article when you don’t even know who the candidates are? ThIS JUST IN! Hillary would have won in a double landslide if she was running against Obama back in 2008!!!!
Geez, I want some of what you are smoking! Hillary DID run against Obama in 2008 you #@%&!
LOL….good one! She already has couple hundred million from cronies….why bother
Suuuuure she will. Especially after today in Baltimore. That witch and her husband should have been hung from a dockyard crane a few decades ago.
Well, if that is what the Clintons deserve, I shudder to think what should happen to “W” and his modern day cohorts.
They’ll have to take a number. There’s a long line of progressives, communists, and Democrats (but I repeat myself) that will come first.
W, Cheney, Rumsfeld et al should be at the HEAD of the line. They better get at it soon, because there is another long line forming on the right.
Clinton boom? The one where the governor of the poorest, least educated state in the union became an economic genius after taking office?
If English is not a foreign language, the RR tax cuts you people despised created 100million tech jobs including the entire multi billion dollar bio tech industry and titans of tech such as MSFT, CSCO, APPL, INTC and too many others to count. That were previously starved for money. What did Bubba leave behind other than .com meltdown explicitly showing what is posted is the case?
Wow, I didn’t think I would ever see anyone crazier than Ted Cruz!
“Clinton was elected president in 1992, defeating incumbent George H. W. Bush. Aged 46, he was the third-youngest president and the first from the baby boomer generation. Clinton presided over the longest period of peacetime economic expansion in American history”.
America will be Baltimore if she does x 10,000.
You mean like when they shut down the government or catastrophically set off a world recession in 08? Oh wait. Great argument, though. People generally open to new ideas totally do that. Slow clap, far right scumbag! You and the rest of these commentators are so totally not doing exactly what will help her win.
Not a bright comment.Neither party runs the economy but they do pretend to.
Why don’t you enlighten us on what DOES run the economy, not what DOESN’T. Or is that all you have to work with – constant criticism, but no policy proposals, just like the GOP.
It’s really simple.The central bankers run the show and have been since 1913 in America.That’s why the dollar is worth 4 cents today when it was worth $1.00 in 1913.Government has no say in the matter until they end the fed and their free money they print out of thin air.
Thank you for your rant Mr. Paul.
Sorry,I’m no Paul but I do understand money from the beginning of time and it’s beginnings very well and have studied it for 40 years.
You say you are no Paul, but clearly you are an advocate of the rantings of Ron Paul and his monetary “policy”. Like it or not, the USD is the monetary standard of the modern world, notwithstanding the machinations of Vlad Putin, and it was the world that established said value, not the U.S.A.
Paul’s problems, and therefore yours, begin with the simple fact that modern society, at least those outside of Communist dogma, have far outgrown the ability of any material asset such as gold or diamonds, etc. to support the world’s economy, or to “make anything of value” as you put.
And just what does all this have to do with the subject matter of the article on Hillary Clinton and the presidential election? Nothing, right, other than to show you are an adherent of the far right.
thats all you gotta say?
blue districts tend to shows us they can’t never do better. its why you demonize success in the red areas as not good enough but, we all still wait for you to knock our socks off.
Nice punctuation, braindead trash. You’re wrong, irrelevant, and a waste of time.
Still waiting for proof that the Republican shutdown of 2013 didn’t happen.
And I suppose you’re an economic expert?
Give me a break!
Wrong again…apparently you slept through the 90’s. Catastrophic recession was set off by the collapse of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, two outstanding programs forced upon banking institutions by none other than Bill Clinton. He was a Democrat if I remember right, or was it just a lying pervert…o wait, both…there are lots of good quotes from a Barney Frank when questioned about the soundness of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac by Republicans who were chastised for their concerns and assured that both programs were as sound as a pound. He was a Democrat too, if I remember right. So at least accept the responsibility for who caused the crash…oh I forgot you are a Democrat, you accept the responsibility for nothing that goes wrong…it’s always George Bush’s fault. Wow, I sure hope you don’t lie to your kids as much as you are lying here “Dad”, we might have to call protective services on your ass.
i’m neither a democrat nor a dad but good job trying to attack me directly. what an elevated, mature, person you are. so far you’ve just proven the extent of your brain decay. what do democrats, a moderate to right wing corporatist party, have to do with proving that people generally open to new ideas destroy everything?
they both enjoy selling our jobs out to illegal immigrants to give their friends cheap labor. funny how dems cry about jobs going overseas when they just bring people over here to take them anyways. moderates and democrats help wallstreet. the bailouts to wallstreet and the fed reserve made them all rich.
Stu..pid: There are none so blind as those who WILL not see.
“Clinton was elected president in 1992, defeating incumbent George H. W. Bush. Aged 46, he was the third-youngest president and the first from the baby boomer generation. Clinton presided over the longest period of peacetime economic expansion in American history”.
and republicans had house and senate 6 out of the 8 years of clintons presidency. he didn’t write laws himself. I’m sure states created jobs themselves as well (we all know Clinton and Obama enjoy taking their credit half the time, and the liberal states will blame anyone else but themselves for their own mess). federal gov isn’t the only factor in these things. also there was a 3rd party candidate that took votes away from Bush.
When you learn about economics let us know until then get lost.The last thing Americans need is another brain dead liberal commenting on a serious issue that many Americans lost their homes over thanks to the fed.
Okay. So.
Why did you decide to respond to a 2 month old comment if you want me to get lost?*
Why do you think immediately attacking me directly and making emotional, vague claims about “What America needs” is going to achieve anything? What exactly are you trying to accomplish by going to a 2 month old reply, ignoring 100% of what it’s actually about, and just saying downright horrible, nasty things to a complete stranger? A stranger that could’ve helped jump start your car or save your mother from a rapist yesterday?
I ask these kinds of things to a lot of extremist radical teabaggers like you, there actually hasn’t been a single time a single one of you can actually answer at least one thing honestly, truthfully, and completely. Just like you completely and shamelessly dodged what the post you replied to was about. Totally and utterly. And you think you’re smarter than me because you can just say so? Really? Let’s see those multiple doctorates of yours. Since you know you’re smarter and more experienced and all, right? I’ll be waiting for them. Something tells me though, you’ll never produce a single one. Something tells me you don’t even have a GED.
I know more about economics, politics, geography, geopolitics, geology, the sciences, the arts, anything you can name, more than you.
Do you know the only thing you can do better than me?
Being a coward garbage-town who can only talk trash at total strangers when they disprove him on the internet/bring up things that make you uncomfortable. Yep, I’m not a 70~ something year old crazy brainwashed ultra-far right winger, I sure can’t compete with your type when it comes to slinging pure hatred and venom. And you know what? I wouldn’t even be interested- I evolved past thinking acting like that proves me right around the same time my age hit the double digits.
*: BTW, the answer to that question is because, since you base your entire life around being team 1 and hating team 2, you act like a crazy, sad, desperate person on the internet because you are in fact that desperate to find your alternative, polar opposite who justifies your pure, burning hatred of all things that don’t agree with you in any slight way. Because only he would justify your crazy existence, and you’re that deeply brainwashed that you can’t comprehend anyone less radical than you, or even just not that interested in washington partisan team choosing than you. I might not even live in the US. Ever think of that? No, you didn’t.
See? I’m better than you at pyschology, too.
The guy you’re looking for doesn’t exist. I’m just a guy that brought up an argument you can’t address or refute, I never said a word about being liberal or that all liberals are right or that all conservatives are wrong- and I won’t. Because that’s an absolutely braindead thing to do. I’ll leave all that good stuff to you, though.
I think you learned a good lesson about economics.Fema isn’t giving Baltimore a dime because it’s a waste of time and money.So much for the 20 million they will never receive.
Okay. So.
Why did you decide to respond to a 2 month old comment if you want me to get lost?*
Why do you think immediately attacking me directly and making emotional, vague claims about “What America needs” is going to achieve anything? What exactly are you trying to accomplish by going to a 2 month old reply, ignoring 100% of what it’s actually about, and just saying downright horrible, nasty things to a complete stranger? A stranger that could’ve helped jump start your car or save your mother from a rapist yesterday?
I ask these kinds of things to a lot of extremist radical teabaggers like you, there actually hasn’t been a single time a single one of you can actually answer at least one thing honestly, truthfully, and completely. Just like you completely and shamelessly dodged what the post you replied to was about. Totally and utterly. And you think you’re smarter than me because you can just say so? Really? Let’s see those multiple doctorates of yours. Since you know you’re smarter and more experienced and all, right? I’ll be waiting for them. Something tells me though, you’ll never produce a single one. Something tells me you don’t even have a GED.
I know more about economics, politics, geography, geopolitics, geology, the sciences, the arts, anything you can name, more than you.
Do you know the only thing you can do better than me?
Being a coward garbage-town who can only talk trash at total strangers when they disprove him on the internet/bring up things that make you uncomfortable. Yep, I’m not a 70~ something year old crazy brainwashed ultra-far right winger, I sure can’t compete with your type when it comes to slinging pure hatred and venom. And you know what? I wouldn’t even be interested- I evolved past thinking acting like that proves me right around the same time my age hit the double digits.
*: BTW, the answer to that question is because, since you base your entire life around being team 1 and hating team 2, you act like a crazy, sad, desperate person on the internet because you are in fact that desperate to find your alternative, polar opposite who justifies your pure, burning hatred of all things that don’t agree with you in any slight way. Because only he would justify your crazy existence, and you’re that deeply brainwashed that you can’t comprehend anyone less radical than you, or even just not that interested in washington partisan team choosing than you. I might not even live in the US. Ever think of that? No, you didn’t.
See? I’m better than you at pyschology, too.
The guy you’re looking for doesn’t exist. I’m just a guy that brought up an argument you can’t address or refute, I never said a word about being liberal or that all liberals are right or that all conservatives are wrong- and I won’t. Because that’s an absolutely braindead thing to do. I’ll leave all that good stuff to you, though.
And Tea-Party Republicans are great builders. When do we start to laugh. These protest’s are not caused be Liberals. They are cause from what is perceived by the black race as a threat to there race. When the Republicans start to realize that you can not keep hammering at the blacks as the bad guys. and the Gays, and the lesbians and the poor and the single mother and the working men and women and women and Labor and Muslims and immigrants . What do you have left. That is why Hillary will win. The stupid Republicans can’t get the votes from just middle age white people and rich white people.
At least learn what runs an economy before you comment.
NO votes win a election. People run a economy. You read the groups in named. Same thing happened the last election. Mitt comes out with a stupid remark and it was just enough to cost him the election. The Fed. with the help of Liz Warren will take care of the economy.
In your dreams.Mitt and Warren have no say and neither does a president.The last one who did is DEAD!PS,the fed destroyed the economy and that’s why your dollar is worth 4 cents compared to 1913 when a dollar was worth a dollar.You must be stuck on stupid or retarded.
Mitt yes I agree. The Fed big time. Warren not as much, but she is on the move UP.
Uh huh… *slowly walks away*
Maybe you did but I know the math facts and they don’t lie.
I suppose you won’t share these “math facts” with the rest of us?
Well, one thing we do know is the GOP (Grossly Obstructive Party) are NOT the ones you want to run the economy.
You need not worry … you are not even on their radar!
Don’t have to be I’m very well set.
Yes, you are “very well set” in a world based on the USD, not on Ron Paul’s solution. BTW, I too am “very well set” and I am proud to say that I did work in the world of investments but NOT for Wall Street. Those guys are nothing but crooks.
LOL,I don’t deal in US currency and yes some guys are really honest that work for Wall st.that play by the rules.Those are the people I deal with.
I don’t deal in USD either, but I don’t share your view that some guys play by the rules … only because Wall Street has bought so many politicians they inevitably get to MAKE those very rules. It is like playing poker with a stacked deck.
Who the heck is Biff?
Hey,Wills….where can I get some of what you’ve been smoking?