PRESS RELEASE: Georgia Voters Sue to Inspect Illegally Scanned, Hidden Ballots

ATLANTA – A group of voters from around the state organized by VoterGA have filed an emergency lawsuit against the Fulton County Elections Director and Election Board members. Their Superior Court petition outlines evidence of how a small group of election workers at State Farm Arena illegally scanned thousands of secretly hidden mail-in ballots into election results during the November 3rd election night. Two affidavits show scanning started in violation of Georgia laws after monitors left when told scanning would cease for the evening. Once scanning completed, an election line feed showed an unprecedented vote spike that turned the election in favor of Presidential candidate Joe Biden.

Plaintiffs are concerned that the illegally scanned ballots may also be fraudulent. The petition cites four affidavits from experienced hand count monitors who claim they handled potentially fraudulent mail-in ballots during the hand count audit. They contend the ballots did not have creases from mailing, were not marked with a writing instrument and were on unusual ballot stock. Other affidavits include one from a recount monitor who saw 9 unlocked ballot bags and a poll manager who participated in testing thousands of ballots on live stock that was left unsecured.

The petitioners are seeking an immediate temporary injunction with an expedited Notice to Inspect the Fulton County absentee ballots visually. They further seek to rescan those mail-in ballots for forensic evaluation. In addition, they seek electronic copes of the Dominion ballot images and election reports. Although ballots cast should be available to the public for inspection, Georgia law keeps them secretly under seal that cannot be broken without a court order.

Four other petition counts allege voters within Fulton and across the state had their votes diluted by illegal activity at State Farm Arena. Thus, Georgia voters were denied their due process and equal protection voting rights. Two counts allege failure to fulfill Open Records Requests for the ballots and interim result files. Two more counts allege Fulton County failed to count all write-in candidate votes.

Although the Defendants failed to take any known remedial action for the potential election illegalities at State Farm Arena they then terminated two whistleblowers that raised security concerns. The petition further contends that such actions by the Defendants violate their oath of office to prevent fraud.