CBD Hemp Oil: A Worthwhile Product for Your Pup

Is CBD Hemp Oil Safe for Dogs?

Chances are, you’ve heard about cannabis, medical marijuana, and, in particular, CBD hemp oil and its numerous benefits. Although there continues to be some skepticism, there have been some very interesting studies as well as many examples of people claiming not just positive but miraculous results after using CBD hemp oil. In fact, there has been so much buzz surrounding this product that an entirely new market has emerged: CBD for dogs.

So is CBD hemp oil safe for dogs? The short answer is yes! Of course, it is always necessary to consider a dog’s health and any pre-existing conditions before you start treatment, but more and more people are turning to CBD hemp oil to help aid their pets.

The spotlight on cannabinoid products and the changing laws and legislation surrounding them (specifically in the US) has been hard to ignore! However, hemp oil/cannabis oil isn’t a new product to pet owners and hemp-related products have been used in medicines for thousands of years and all around the world. Many of the benefits are proven and though some dismiss the studies, there are scientific studies to back up the benefits.

CBD Hemp Oil for Dogs? You Bet!

As the saying goes, dogs are ‘man’s best friend’. No animal has been domesticated in the same way and, because of this, there is a huge industry around dogs and dog-related products for pet owners. We absolutely love our pets in society; humans go to amazing lengths, many donating to animal charities, which are some of the most popular causes for donations in the whole world. However, all dogs are different, not only because of their personalities and individual nuances but because the vast number of species there are. Dogs vary so much in size and shape, as well as what the species have historically been bred for, which means there are is a wide variety of different health issues and treatments.

When putting any sort of supplement into your system (or into your pet’s system) you need to give it careful consideration. Hemp oil is available for humans too but you shouldn’t give the same dosage or even the same product to your dogs. There are specific variations of hemp oil products which come with their own specific guidelines. When you are buying this supplement, make sure you are purchasing a high quality CBD oil for dogs specifically.

The administration of the oil is usually done by either liquid dropper (like an eye dropper – but definitely not for the eyes), or in the form of a tasty treat. As you might guess, you wouldn’t treat a Chihuahua with the same dosage as a Great Dane! Dogs are quite unique animals in that there are so many breeds and variant, all different shapes and sizes. The CBD hemp oil you purchase will likely have guidelines attached that will give you a good idea of what dosage to administer based on the size and weight of your pup.

Benefits of CBD Hemp Oil for Dogs

It’s undeniable that CBD hemp oil has positive effects for dogs, but what exactly are they? How does it work? Basically, the cannabinoids are both anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory agents. They are full of omega-3 and omega-6, fatty acids which are great for animals and humans alike. Also, interesting enough, they contain protein (essential amino acids).

Just like in humans, CBD has shown to prevent disease and also help support the nervous system. For instance, if your dog is prone to seizures or has other nerve-related issues, the oil can help. Not to mention, CBD also improves the condition of a dog’s coat, helps with conditions related to age (arthritis is a big one!) and generally soothes your dog’s nerves and anxiety. While it’s not a miracle cure-all, it is a wonderful remedy or preventative measure for your dog’s health.

The Potential Risks

Just like any other product you put into your system, there is always a slight chance of your dog having a negative reaction. Luckily, the side effects are benign. The only regular side effect consistently reported in dogs is drowsiness. Of course, if your pup’s lethargy becomes extreme, you may want to pause their CBD treatment and seek out veterinarian advice, but generally, this shouldn’t be too much cause for concern.

Additionally, some people have reported their dogs not producing as much saliva when they take CBD Hemp oil. Keep an eye on this. If you notice that your pup has a dry mouth, make sure they have plenty of water available to prevent dehydration. If side effects continue, you may want to consider changing your dog’s dosage to ensure you’ve got the perfect level for your dog.

The effects of CBD hemp oil can sometimes seem miraculous if your pup has struggled with health issues like seizures, poor digestion, or arthritis for a long time. CBD for pets is growing in popularity for a reason—and a look at some reviews for CBD hemp oil for pets will easily show you how successful the remedy can be. As long as you take the right precautions and use the correct dosage, you are likely to see many health benefits in your dog at no risk to their safety and overall wellbeing.

3 thoughts on “CBD Hemp Oil: A Worthwhile Product for Your Pup

  • May 25, 2019 at 5:09 AM

    CBD oil is a hemp derived product. It is a kind of cannabis oil popularly known as Cannabidiol hemp oil or CBD hemp oil.CBD has many beneficial healthcare properties such as anti-inflammatory, anticonvulsant, antioxidant, antiemetic, anxiolytic and antipsychotic.

  • May 25, 2019 at 5:06 AM

    The Innovet always cares for pets and the pet healthcare products made by them are really magical and outstanding.

  • March 20, 2019 at 6:07 PM

    I thought it was interesting how you said that hemp oil is given to dogs through a liquid dropper or a treat. My dog has been having seizures for a few weeks that we really want to fix. It may be good for us to try giving it hemp or CBD oil to see if it helps.

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