Ted Cruz feeds ignorance

Ted Cruz is nothing more than a maggot feeding off the ignorance and false bravado of gun owners lacking in intelligence who believe more, no, all citizens should be armed whenever in public. Somehow this brain cell deprived segment of our society believe if all people, well, at least all the “good guys” packed heat, there would be an end to the mass shootings that plague this nation.

“You know, if everyone in that room were armed, those killers wouldn’t have stood a chance,” claim ass hats like Cruz. Not only is he wrong, but if Ted Cruz were in a situation like what happened in San Bernardino, carrying his concealed hand gun, he’d be dead wrong.

First, there is this assumption by people like Cruz that all gun owners are expert marksmen. They aren’t. I don’t care how many times you put a bullet between the eyes of a paper target at your local shooting range, you are not an expert marksmen until that target is armed with an AK-47 and wearing full body armor and you can calmly stand your ground and drop it with one shot. Odds are, you are more likely to soil yourself just before getting blown away.

There is also this idea, probably the result of spending countless hours playing video games or shooting at empty beer cans, that the average American gun owner knows how to engage better armed killers when caught off guard while at a holiday party. Put down your video games and wake up and smell your soon to be rotting corpse. You do not have that kind of training. Most people in our military lack it as well as most in law enforcement so shut up and think of another way to save your ass.

Ben Carson appealing to the baser instincts of the NRA. (YouTube)
Ben Carson appealing to the baser instincts of the NRA. (YouTube)

Oh, and do you really think if all our teachers were armed there would never be another Sandy Hook or Columbine? As a retired teacher, let me tell you something; most teachers are just happy to stay caught up with all their paper work. Do you really believe they are going to grab a state issued gun (hopefully one that works better than their state issued computer) from inside their desk and take on a deranged killer armed with multiple weapons? It’s not going to happen.

You can also forget about packing heat when you go to the movies. In case you have forgotten, movie theaters are very dark. How often do you practice hitting a moving target in the dark while real bullets from real automatic weapons are being unleashed? Just stay home and watch something on Netflix.

Somehow Ted Cruz is under the impression a few pistols in the hands of limited thinking voters is going to end mass shootings and acts of terrorism in this country. Better-armed thugs from inner city streets can’t stop drive-by shooters, what makes you think you and your 9mm will do any better?

How many armed citizens are going to keep someone from detonating a couple of pressure cooker bombs? For that matter, how many armed cops are able to prevent the normal weekend bloodshed in cities like Chicago?

More people with more guns makes about as much sense as saying more people with more cars will bring an end to traffic.

These two fellers look like they mean business. We blurred their faces to protect their families from ridicule. (YouTube)
These two fellers look like they mean business. We blurred their faces to protect their families from ridicule. (YouTube)

I am all for the Second Amendment, but when politicians like Ted Cruz try to capitalize off of your inner desire to be John Rambo or Dirty Harry, all they are doing is setting you up to get killed.

When real killers sit down with their maker, whether it be God, Allah, or Satan, and they tell them how they blew away a bunch of people who thought their pistols were a match for their arsenal, they are all going to have a huge laugh at your expense.

But what do I know? Go pretend you are some armed bad ass all you want when you go out in public and come across really bad people. Go ahead, make their day.

Top photo: Asshat-in-Chief Ted Cruz (YouTube)

11 thoughts on “Ted Cruz feeds ignorance

  • December 10, 2015 at 7:08 AM

    Wow….what a bunch of crap! Gun owners do go to the range….they do practice…and most are responsible gun owners doing the right thing. This guy sound paranoid to me…

  • December 10, 2015 at 6:47 AM

    This guy seems to be channeling Joseph Goebbels.

  • December 10, 2015 at 1:20 AM

    The stupidity is strong with James Moore…..

  • December 9, 2015 at 10:47 PM

    They print such dreck as the above in their paper as a news article?

    It is nothing more than a hit piece.

    I should have realized back in high school when I saw all the flakes taking journalism class. It appears the people graduating from journo101 are the same low caliber they were 40 years ago.

  • December 9, 2015 at 10:41 PM

    The maggots, the ass-hats, the brain cell-deprived, to use the words of the “author”, describe the killers and their apologists. The killers in San Bernandino, the killers in Chicago, the killers that seek out the gun-free zones this moron believes in so much.

    Yes, people with guns, good guys with guns, deter bad guys with guns. It is deterrence, fear of return fire, that explains why there are so few attacks at police stations, gun shows, and Republican gatherings. Deterrence is also why the President travels with a posse of heavily armed Secret Service agents. Deterrence saves lives and one does not even need to be a good shot when the mere possibility the good guys are armed keeps the cowards away.

    So, the truly idiotic, the truly moronic, the truly dangerous, and the truly evil in our society are people like this author that persist in pushing their false narrative for political reasons.

    They blame everything and everyone but themselves for their failed policies and the murderous savages they have unleashed on the rest of us.

  • December 9, 2015 at 10:32 PM

    This infantile rant qualifies as an informed opinion? Complete with Ad-hom and derogatory comments.

    You have a “Please support our writers” with a donate button below!
    You have got to be kidding.

  • December 9, 2015 at 10:31 PM

    The first thing James Moore will do when he is accosted by some jihadi or gang banger is call somebody with a gun to come deal with the problem…since apparently the concept of “self defense” is so utterly abhorrent to him

  • December 9, 2015 at 10:28 PM

    I’m sorry that you don’t get it. i’m not going to call you names like you did (as most liberals do when they start to lose the argument ) but your view is really naive and without merit.

  • December 9, 2015 at 10:24 PM

    Don’t you just love when the left tells you who they fear the most? CRUZ 2016!!!

  • December 9, 2015 at 10:16 PM

    I applaud you for using your right to free speech and for this paper to print it, even if it is idiotic.

  • December 9, 2015 at 10:15 PM

    Writer vying for the liberal party mascot job…

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